Last Stop

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You had only been on this random planet for five minutes, yet you had suffered two terrible realizations almost immediately, the first being that this was very much not stone's room. Nowhere near and nothing like it, you were afraid.

The second was that your radio was completely, totally, utterly fried.

For a while you just stood there, staring at your wrist in horror and occasionally glancing up at the surrounding area as if to confirm that yes, your worst nightmare did indeed come true.

No. Nononono...

You broke out of your trance as you took to hitting, poking, and slapping the soggy accessory in desperate attempts to try and get it to turn on. The display didn't even offer a flicker of life.

Please, just turn on!! Please, please, please!

You dropped to your knees pathetically, choking back a sob as you slowly undid the strap's clasp to cradle the device in your hands.

It's... It's not broken. It just... needs to dry out...

You turned the watch over and over in your hands, refusing to admit to yourself that the thing that gave you your new life – your very purpose - was totally done for.

You stayed like that for a while, dew soaking your legs as you pressed every button imaginable on your watch while big, fat tears quietly rolled down your cheeks.

Out of nowhere, light suddenly illuminated you from behind, and to say you were startled would be an understatement. You shoved your radio into one of your pockets and whipped around, eyes wide with fear as you tripped over yourself in your seated position to face the stranger that had snuck up on you. However, that fear began to dissipate the longer you analyzed the individual before you.

In front of you stood a rather befuddled-looking brass trawler lamp, who was also the very source of the light that had gotten your attention in the first place. You squinted and shielded your eyes with one hand at the soft flame that flickered inside his glass head as you tried to make eye contact.

You both stared at each other awkwardly for a moment, before he eventually broke the silence.


You could almost hear the quirk of his eyebrow in that one word, a word that he managed to make into a greeting, statement, and question all rolled into one.

"Hi..." You replied back warily.

"Are you... okay?"

There was no easy way to answer that question, so you told a half-truth to keep things simple.

"Yeah, no, I'm... fine. I mean, I'm not hurt or anything, I'm just... I just got a little lost." You did your best to keep your voice strong as you spoke, trying to appear at least a little more collected than you were moments before.

He just kept giving you that look, and right as you were about to ask him what his problem was, he spoke up again.

"People don't just... get lost here. At least, not without..." He trailed off at the end and cast his glance aside, relieving you of the intense eye contact. You were confused by what he had said at first, but it didn't take long for it to click in place.

"Ah." You dropped your gaze into your lap.

"I'm... so sorry. I thought you were still... y'know. How long has it been for you...?"

He opened his mouth, then closed it again, as if unsure of how to respond.

"I don't... know. I kind of... stopped... counting... after the first year or so..." He paused, pursing his lips and clasping his hands in front of him uncertainly.

See No Evil (Airy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now