Lazy dayyy~

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Suga woke up with his head tilted back, and a crick in his neck that made him wince as he raised his head. He looked around as he tried to work out the painful feeling, realizing he was still in Daichi and Iwaizumi's living room on the couch.

He looked down to find Tooru's head pillowed in his lap, sleeping soundly.

Where'd the other two go?

He looked around sleepily, perking up a little when he heard someone coming from the kitchen. A cup was lowered in front of him from behind, and he took it gratefully "ugh, what time is it?"

Daichi fought a teasing smile as he walked around to sit in front of him "around eleven, close to noon."

Suga groaned, rubbing a hand over his face "why didn't you wake me? Before and now?"

Daichi shrugged apologetically, sipping on his coffee "well, to be honest I only woke up maybe a half hour ago, so,..."

Suga sighed, sipping the liquid once before scrunching his nose, pushing the cup away "bitter."

Daichi blinked at him "I put a spoonful of sugar in there. And some cream."

Suga shook his head, nose still scrunched in disgust "not enough apparently."

Daichi rolled his eyes with a sigh, taking the cup as he stood "fine, I'll go fix it. Be right back."

Suga shook his head "no, I'll come, show you how real coffee is made."

Daichi huffed in amusement, and Suga quickly replaced his lap with a pillow under Oikawa's head before hurrying after him.

In the kitchen, Daichi watched in horror as Suga scooped another spoonful and a half into the drink, adding another splash of cream for good measure. Daichi shook his head in disbelief as Suga sipped at the concoction happily "I don't know how you can drink that. Its more sugar and lactose than coffee at this point."

Suga scoffed at him, pointing to his cup "no no, the real question is how YOU can drink THAT."

Daichi frowned at him "what do you mean?? Its just coffee."

Suga scrunched his nose, watching him with narrow eyes as he sipped from his own cup.

 "Anyways, where'd Iwaizumi go?"

Daichi scoffed, picking up his own cup "Iwaizumi left us all to sleep on the couch while he went to bed, and now he's out on a run. Should be back soon."

"Wow," Suga huffed "that traitor really just left us all to suffer the aftermath of that couch. I swear Daichi, sitting on that thing for a while so harder on your glutes than a round of crunches."

Daichi snorted into his cup "you're telling me."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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