CHAPTER 29: Calm Down Charlotte

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Dear Readers,

This is a mature content warning.  I've tried to limit the amount of plot that goes into this chapter so that sensitive viewers can skip it without missing too much.  And to my little sister who is the reason I started this book and has been reading and reminding me to post...  Please skip this!  Don't do this to us again!  How will you face me?  And if you do read it, you better not act like you did because then I'll know you like dirty books and I will literally tell on you to the first born son!  I am WARNING you!

xxx Moonshine


The trip to see my mother was so satisfying. Who would have thought that after all those years of neglect, the Pack she'd worked so hard to keep away from me would just fall into my laps. I understand the responsibility, and Amari gave me the run-down of Unification procedures on the short flight back but knowing that this will irk her gives me this immense feeling of satisfaction. Maybe I should be better, but I would be if she had been.

That was all just a brief distraction for the war though. The moment we land; I am back in my zone. I action the evacuation plans Ames and I discussed and get back to intense training. Desiree has given us more details about the war, and it has put us even more on edge because now we know we aren't far from the battle. We haven't told many people about what we've found out in fear of the information getting out and compromising our strategies. So, only Ames, her parents, Brie, Charles and I know.

There have been a few more attacks and Ames says that this strategy of intimidation has Black written all over it. It baffles me how an old friend can become such a destructive enemy. I mean, Amari rescued that man as a pup, and he was raised by the pack but because of a petty rivalry he wants to throw all that away? He wages war against this pack. Against Amari? I'll kill him! I hope I get the chance to. I want to kill him, and everyone involved.

That's why I've been training so hard. Because brave as everyone may be, there is still this air of nerves because we all understand that there will be losses. Injuries. All of it. Because that's what happens with wars and its heart breaking to think that the people, we all know and train with won't all return.

So, I've taken to a very intense training regime. I was weak when I came here and although I've improved, so have the other warriors and its left me feeling a little insecure about my abilities. I don't feel like I'm up to par and with Amari being so much stronger now, I can't even put up a good fight at training and if I do, I know it's because she's going easy on me and that's worse.

Maybe I've been on edge, but for good reason, which is why when Amari demanded we take a day off I was far from happy. I can't take days off to do 'couple things' when I have a Pack I need to prove myself to and protect. But she insisted, and I can't really say no to those silver eyes. So, we're here, "hanging out" and I feel like I'm wasting time, but I'm doing my best to appease Amari who seems content enough.

"Okay, I'm all chilled out now, can we go train," I plead after failing to read a single word in my book for the past 3 hours.

"No, Char, you need to relax, you're on edge and if we keep training, you'll fall off."

My frustration surfaces.

"Of course, YOU can say that! You're the Selene, you don't have to train as hard as I do to be twice as strong!"

"Babe, you've trained harder than anyone and you're stronger than you give yourself credit for, just relax for a day, trust me, the world will not burn!"

"Famous last words Miss Nash!" I retort, knowing my complaints are futile.

I get up and start to lightly shadow box as I run through my last training session. Amari had pinned me down in less than 10 seconds and she said it was because I too much in my own head. I've never had that problem before, and now I'm not sure how to fix it. I'm lightly punching and kicking the air when Amari looks up from her book and silently watches before ordering me to chill out.

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