CHAPTER 13: Miss Odair

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I struggle to get a ride to the Ball because to no one's surprise whatsoever, all the taxis are pre-booked by other attendees. To be honest, I am exasperated and hurt. They could have at least called me to inform me that they were leaving instead of just fucking off like I was never even there to begin with. Why would my mother force me to come if she was going to pull this shit?

I am beyond irate, but I have no outlet for my frustration that would maintain the integrity of all the effort I put into my outfit. Just as I'm about to give up on attending this stupid ball; having called and been laughed at by all the taxi companies and independent service providers whose details I could find online, a taxi arrives to pick me up.

"Are you Charlotte Odair? An Alpha Kane sent me back to pick you up, he said you were running late? He asked me to come back and get you. Please ma'am come in, the Ball has already started!" I'm standing on the porch when he arrives and I cannot hide my surprise, but I do not delay grabbing my things and getting into the car.

"Thank you so much Sir, for coming back," I say as I get into the back seat of the Audi.

Of course, Audis are taxis here.

"That's alright dear, and call me Toni, none of this 'Sir', 'Sir', crap! You look lovely by the way. Emerald-green? One of the best colours if you ask me." Toni goes on talking, hardly needing my help to carry on the conversation. It makes me happy to think that he was like this for my mother. It would have irked her to no end, and life is about the small pleasures.

After navigating traffic and what Toni calls "little shortcuts", we arrive at the Ball in about 30 minutes. I get my wallet out to pay Toni but he refuses. "That's alright love, the Alpha guy gave me hefty tip to make that journey back to get you, and you've been lovely so I can't deceive you. Go have a good time in there, though it seems you've arrived after all the speeches."

"Thank-you Toni," I say as I exit the car and I wave at him as he drives off.

My name is ticked off a very long list when I get to the entrance, and I make my way into the foyer of the most extravagant building I've ever seen in my life. I'm directed to one of the elevators where someone inside pushes a button and we rise in silence to what I'm assuming is the Ball room. I thank him as I exit the elevator and make my way towards an arched entrance where more people are standing to welcome guests.

I missed the speeches and after giving my name at the door I am directed to where my family is supposed to be sitting for the meal. Right now people are mingling and eating entrées, but I opt to just sit at the table and not participate in any of the 'mingling'. I'm still mad at my mother, but feel better after finding out that Kane sent the taxi back to get me.

Soon enough, everyone is sitting down and that's when I find my mother and brother.

"Charlotte stop moping about, we are in public," my mother says as the two approach me.

"You left without me," I whisper angrily.

"Are you sure?" she says, looking around the Hall, likely assessing if we've been seated by order of importance.

"What do you mean am I sure? I'm pretty sure since I'm the one who was left!" I maintain the whisper, but it's getting a little yelly.

"Hush now Charlotte, let's not draw any negative attention!" She reprimands after sitting down seemingly satisfied with our placement.

"Why the hell did you force me to come here if you were just going to leave without me?" I state, a little quieter.

"Stop dwelling on things of little consequence Charlotte Odair. Besides, I was certain you were there, entertaining that talkative, talkative Toni that drove us here," she dismisses me, looking irritated at the memory of her car ride.

"Now settle in and don't ruin this for your brother, the Royals seem to be the priority, but I think we can bump ourselves up if we stay close to the Nash Family. Kane, sit up and look powerful dear!"

And just like that, I'm a non-entity. It's back to Kane and I'm back to not existing.

That vanilla scent I smelt in the woods close to the Nash estate, is also all over this room. Its delightful and I take a note to ask one of the helpers at the end of the Ball how they did that. After eating and the dancefloor being opened, I get tired of being the Odair unwanted plus one and decide to leave the room to grab some air. Maybe see if I can get a taxi to take me home. I step out and the vanilla scent invades my senses. It almost calls me to it and without thinking too much about what I'm doing, I follow the scent to an isolated part of the building.

I find myself at a random balcony and there, the smell is it's strongest. I stop at the entrance and see the most beautiful silhouette. From behind she is this tall, lean woman with a small waist and platinum hair wearing the most beautiful gown. Or did she just look the most beautiful in her gown? I'm not sure which is which.

She turns around at my arrival and I get to see the full extent of her beauty. Her silver eyes sparkle under the full moon and her face looks moulded by the Goddess herself. She has the cutest button nose, siren eyes and full lips. One look at her hands, face and feet tells me exactly who she is and I don't remember her being this other-worldly.

Before I can turn around, Venus, who had perked up and basically started howling, says the most terrifying word to me.


This makes me freeze. Mate? Amari Nash is my mate? How is that even possible? My mom is going to kill me! What if she rejects me? I'm not an Alpha, I'm just the Alpha's sister. And oh, Goddess she's supposed to be Kane's mate! All my mother's efforts down the drain? I'd really enjoy this victory if it didn't put me in the crossfire. I'm so dead!

But my thoughts are drowned out by the most amazing thing I've ever seen! Amari smiles at me, and I almost get weak in the knees.

"Wow," she says, "So that's what that feels like." She sounds amused and in no time at all she is right in front of me. We are the same height, and she looks at me with those eyes and that smile, and I lose myself and almost fall over. She reaches out to hold me up and I feel jolts of electricity all over my body but concentrated on the part she's touching. I'm currently experiencing zero thoughts. 

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