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Natalie's POV

"It's two am. Alex is having contractions so we're heading to the hospital." I say into the camera.

"You're vlogging?" Alex says with a hint of irritation in her voice, she then lets out a painful scream.

I wasn't even sure if the scream was at me or the contractions at this point. Alex and her mood swings were not it the last couple of weeks.

I lived on the couch for a week. Fair enough, I forgot her ice cream while I was at the grocery store.

"Babe, I'm sure our daughter will want to see this. And also it's for the project."

"See the fact that her mother is recording while her other mother is having contractions? Yeah that's gonna be a great story and fans will love it."

I turned the camera off and just drove to the hospital.

"I'm sad Andrea and Taylor can't be with us."

"Covid protocols. I'm just glad they're letting me in as well. Andrea can't travel, and Taylor will be quarantining with us until it's lifted."

"She's been living with us for a year now?"

"I think so? I don't even remember, has it been a year?" I ask as I turn down the street.

"I don't know I've lost track." Alex says as she squeezes my hand. "Talking is distracting me from the pain. Keep talking."

"So what's our plan? Where do we want our base home? Because I know Florida is not our ideal home in general."

"Well Austin said-." Alex says but I'm quick to interrupt.

"Oh god. What did he say."

I panic and think of what he could've told Alex. So many things if we're being honest. So many stupid unnecessary things.

"Well he said that- wait contraction." Alex says as she squeezes my hand.

"We're almost there. Are you doing okay?"

"This last one was no joke. But I still am happy on our decision on not having a driver take us."

"Well you insisted." I say as I make a left turn. "You were very persistent."

"Yeah well I want privacy."

"Okay me too, but security would've been nice."

"Are we really going to argue, right now?"

"You're right, well tell me what Austin told you."

"Right. Austin said you want Rhode Island to be your home base."

Damn you Austin.

"He said that's where you'd like to be, he also said Nashville, but he said maybe not Nashville."

"Austin is a big blabber mouth. Is there anything else he said?"

"West coast. He said you want to live in the west coast, like Cali, Oregon, Washington. He also said maybe not Oregon. But like a secluded place with a lot of nature."

"We're here." I say as I park the car.

"You're not answering my question."

"Do you really want to have this conversation right now?"

"Just get me inside." Alex says and I run inside to grab a wheelchair.

I see a car being parked behind us and I panic as I help Alex onto the wheelchair.

"You brought security?"

"They were tested and come on who knows what kind of people are out right now, someone could get close to us on the way out of the hospital and then what?"

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