Chapter Seven

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I groaned as I woke up, lying at the base of a tree. I sat up carefully and looked around, seeing Ian lying in the back of a jeep, alive. I cried tears of joy as Ian lay there, in pain, but alive. "Clary!" I heard Ellie call and I groaned loudly. "Clarissa Hammond! Is that you?" I laughed through my pain and spoke in a spooky voice, "No. It is I, Ebenezer Scrooge. Ghost of Christmas GET ME OFF THE FUCKING GROUND!" I could hear Ellie cackle as she ran closer, "Damn. You have bruises all over, but at least the T-Rex didn't eat you. Where is Alan, Tim, and Lex?" I groaned in pain as Muldoon and Ellie helped me off the ground and into the back with Ian, "I don't know. The Rex threw me and all I heard was Lex yelling my name."

Ian sighed in relief and hugged me close as I yelled in pain as my ribs hurt. Muldoon cursed as he felt around my ribs, "Damn. Several ribs are broken." Ian grimaced, "Sorry, Clare." I sighed, "It's alright. You didn't know. God, you have no idea how happy I am to find you alive." Ian brought me into a kiss and then when we separated, Ian smiled, "I'm also very happy to see you alive. What are your thoughts on the park now?" I sighed, "If this place opens, I'm disowning my father." 

Ian and I lay there in the back of the jeep, hugging each other close as we waited for Ellie and Muldoon to get back from their little field trip. Ian kissed my forehead, "I don't care what your father says. We almost died and I'm not going to wait any longer on us being together. Are you okay with us?" I smiled and kissed Ian's jaw, "Absolutely." Ian looked at me, "I already told this to Dr. Sattler and Muldoon, but please remind me to thank your father for a lovely weekend." I giggled at this and Ian smiled, "What do you think, Mrs. Ex-Malcolm?" 

I grinned, "Ha! You're not divorcing me, buddy. It's going to take you being eaten for me to become Mrs. Ex-Malcolm." Ian shook his head and then we both heard distant thudding of footsteps. I looked over to see Ellie and Muldoon running towards us and Ian waved his arms, "Come on. We've got to get out of there. Now! Right now!" 

As soon as they both hopped into the car and Muldoon started it, the T-Rex came out of the forest and saw us, roaring. The Rex ran after us and Ian started to panic, "Here it comes!" I joined him, "Stand on it! Fifth gear!" As the Rex came closer, Ian moved back into the gear shift and hugged me close to him, trying to mind my ribs. I screamed as Rex's head was right there in chomping range, causing Ian to cover me as best as he could. 

Muldoon stepped on it and the Rex finally gave up. Ian took deep breaths and calmed down, looking at me, "Think they'll have that on the tour?" I took a deep breath and looked at Ellie, "Let me inform you that if my father actually hands me his company. I'm shutting this shit down or selling it to a sucker with no survival instincts." Muldoon chuckled, "I'm starting to think you're wanting to do population control." 

Ian looked thoughtful, "Doesn't sound like a bad idea." We got back to the control room and they helped Ian in first as I sat in the jeep looking around nervously. Ellie and Muldoon came out quickly and brought me inside. 


Ellie's POV

I sat down in front of John as he ate the ice cream. John sighed, "They were all melting." I looked at him with a solemn face, "Malcolm and Clary are alright for now. I gave them both a shot of morphine." 

John looked at me and pushed up his glasses, "They'll be fine. Who better to get the children through Jurassic Park than a dinosaur expert? You know, the first attraction I ever built when I came down from Scotland was a flea circus, Petticoat Lane. Really quite wonderful. I had a wee trapeze, a carousel, and a seesaw. They all move motorized, of course. People said they saw the fleas. 'I can see the fleas. Mommy, can't you see the fleas?'Clown fleas, high-wire fleas, and fleas on parade. With this place, I wanted to show them something that wasn't an illusion. Something that was real. Something that they could see and touch. An aim not devoid of merit." 

I shook my head sadly, "But you can't think through this one, John. You have to feel it." John chuckled and nodded, "You're right. You're absolutely right. Hiring Nedry was a mistake. We're over-dependent on automation, I can see that now. Next time, everything's correctable. Creation is an act of sheer will. Next time it will be flawless" 

I groaned, "John. It's still a flea circus. It's all an illusion." John tried to continue, "When we have control-" I yelled at him, "You never had control! That's the illusion! I was overwhelmed by the power of this place, but I made a mistake too. I didn't have enough respect for that power, and it's out now.  The only thing that matters now are the people we love. Alan, Lex, Tim....Clary. They're out there, where people are dying," I sniffled as tears clouded my eyes and I ate some ice cream, "It's good." John said softly, "Spare no expense." 

I sniffled, "John, Clary and Malcolm are together. They are in love." John gritted his teeth, "She doesn't know what love is! I won't allow it." I sighed, "John. There is something between them. Clary tells Malcolm that she won't be another ex-wife and he agrees. They will last I promise. Clary is old enough to decide for herself. She's thirty years-old." 

John sniffled as tears fell in his ice cream, "That's what I'm afraid of." 

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