Chapter Six

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Ian's POV

I sat there in that seat, blushing at what Clare just did. No woman ever caught my attention like this. Maybe because she knows my line of work, maybe because she adores kids. I don't know, but I don't want this feeling to stop. I jumped out of the jeep and followed Clare like a lost puppy. 

I ran up and stopped behind Clare as she stood in front of a dinosaur. Clare smiled and leaned against the dinosaurs, feeling her side as she took deep breaths. Dr. Grant smiled and leaned against the dinosaur as well. I've never seen adults get so excited about dinosaurs, but this is adorable, especially from a paleontologist. 

Clare ran up to me with the biggest smile, "Ian! Ian! She's the greatest thing ever!" I smiled and nodded as Dr. Sattler stood up from the dino, "I'd have to see the dinosaur's droppings." I widened my eyes, "Dino droppings? Droppings?" Clare giggled at my face and we all followed Dr. Sattler over to the pile. 

I stood looking at the pile in disbelief, "That is one big pile of shit." I jumped as arms wrapped around my waist and I looked behind me, smiling as Clare smiled at me from my shoulder, "Have I told you that you look absolutely attractive in your slightly unbuttoned shirt and black pants?" I smirked, "You have not, but I now know you find me attractive."

Clare grinned, "That should have been noticeable once you first made me laugh in the helicopter." I sighed, "Clare, I know we just met, but something about you just calls out to me." I watched as Clare smirked, "Strange attractors?" I chuckled, "In a way. Let's go you flirt." We both walked over to Dr. Sattler, who completely dug her hands into the pile of shit. Clare crinkled her nose up, "I know you were wearing gloves, but you will remember to wash your hands before you eat anything?" Dr. Sattler continued to mutter to herself as Dr. Grant followed her. 

Clare looked at the sky as thunder sounded in the air and Gennaro flinched, "Doctors, if you please, I have to insist that we get moving. Mr. Hammond wouldn't like it if his daughter and grandchildren became sick." I watched as Tim and Lex laughed and hugged Clare as the three of them walked back to the cars. Dr. Sattler stayed with the dino vet and the rest of us piled back into the cars.

Gennaro and the kids in one. Dr. Grant, Clare, and I in the other. 


Clarissa's POV

I sat in the back of the jeep as Alan and Ian sat up front. It was raining horribly, but that's normal for a tropical island. That got we were on a track to take us back. Alan looked out the window, "You got any kids, Malcolm?" Ian smiled and nodded, "Hell, yeah. Three. I love kids. Anything at all can and does happen. Same with wives for that matter." I frowned as Alan glared at Ian, knowing that I was kind of hurt by this, "You're married?"

Ian shook his head, "Occasionally. I'm always on the lookout for a future ex-Mrs. Malcolm." Ian turned around and grinned at me, "So? Mrs. Ex-Malcolm?" I grinned, "I'm not marrying you just to become divorced. It's the long road or no road Ian." Ian smiled and nodded, "I think I could live with that." Ian turned back around but stared at me through the rearview mirror. Alan looked between us, "Malcolm, you hurt Clary. I will-" Ian nodded, "Don't worry. I don't plan on it." 

I noticed that the screen in the car went dark and then the car stopped. Alan raised his hands, "Alright, what did I touch?" I shook my head, "You didn't touch anything this time, Alan. We stopped." I looked out the window and through the rain to see we were stopped at the T-Rex paddock and saw that the goat was still there. 

Alan went over and checked on Tim and Lex, then came running back over. I leaned my head on the seat, "How are they?" Alan shut the door, "Their radio's out too. Gennaro said to stay put. I didn't ask. Why wouldn't they be?" I looked at me, "You might not enjoy children, but those are my niece and nephew." I got out of the jeep, ignoring Alan and Ian's calls for me to get back in. 

I ran over to the first car and opened the passenger door, "How are you two?" Lex sighed, "Timmy is being annoying." I sighed, "I know this isn't ideal, but we have to keep calm. I don't think Father would let us stay out here long." Gennaro looked at me, "Ms. Hammond, please get in. You getting sick isn't ideal." I shook my head, "I'm perfectly okay. Everything will be-" I looked over at the paddock to see the goat missing and my eyes went wide as I shut the door and stood still. 

Lex looked at me in fear as a goat leg smacked into the car, covered in blood. I didn't move as I watched the T-Rex bring his arm back from touching the fence that was no longer electrified. I heard the car door open and I moved my head slowly to see Gennaro running off towards the bathrooms. I could see that Lex and Tim were afraid, for them, and for me. Lex teared up and looked at me, "Aunt Clary please get in the car." Tim yelled, "Auntie! Please!" I shook my head and flinched as the fences were removed.

I watched in fear as the Rex stepped out of her enclosure and roared. I turned around quickly as I saw a flashlight come from the car and I started whispering, "Turn the fucking light off." The T-Rex walked over to the car and looked around, but Tim had to close the door. The Rex immediately looked at the car and I teared up, knowing that Ian was right and I heard muffled yelling from the other car. I looked over slowly to see the panicked eyes of Alan and Ian. I shook my head slowly and continued to stand still, knowing its sight was based on movement. 

The Rex snarled and gazed into the car where Lex moved the light into her eye. The T-Rex roared and I covered my ears in pain at the volume. The T-Rex started to nudge the car and mess with it as Time and Lex tried to turn off the light. I screamed as the Rex shoved its snout into the plexiglass roof, making Tim and Lex hold it up as best as they could. I couldn't help but move quickly as the predator nudged the jeep back and forth, finally flipping it on its roof and stepping on it to cave it in.

Lex and Tim were screaming and I cried as I tried to make the smallest movement possible to get them out of there. I looked at the T-Rex, fed up, "Hey!" The T-Rex bellowed at me and snarled, but before I could even bring it's attention to me, Alan came running out of the other car with a flare and started waving it, "Hey!" 

I gasped, "Alan, no! Get back in the car!" The T-Rex looked at the flare in interest and went to chase after it when Alan threw it back into her paddock. I cried out when Ian came from inside the car and started waving his flare, gaining the dinosaur's attention. Alan looked at him, "Ian, freeze!" Ian pointed at Alan, "Get the kids and Clare!" Alan yelled back as Ian ran away with the Rex following him, "Get rid of the flare!" 

I screamed as the T-Rex threw Ian to the side of the bathrooms and out of my sight. I ran over to Lex and Tim as Alan was right behind me. Alan helped me pull Lex out of the car and when I went to help Tim, I heard Lex scream. Alan grabbed her and covered her mouth, "Don't move. He can't see us if we don't move. Your Aunt taught us that." I stood still as the Rex came close to us and blew off Alan's hat. The T-Rex moved the vehicle and while Alan and Lex were safely out of sight of the Rex, I was pushed into the open and in the mud. Lex looked over and cried, "No. Auntie!" Alan's eyes went wide as the Rex roared and threw me into a tree with her head. 

Causing me to go unconscious, praying that I don't get eaten and that my niece and nephew are alright, and hearing Lex scream my name as I finally blacked out. 

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