Chapter four:Mixed POV:Indigo

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The next three days were spent on the train in my new space, meeting my roommate, the doctor Carlisle Cullen, who helped me with the cuts and bruises I got thanks to Jacob. Not to mention also finally feeling the relief of stable ground instead of a train passing through rocky terrains at high speeds wondering if maybe your boss will get drunk or have a shitty day and see how lucky you are.

"Edward!" Jacob called, smiling at me like nothing happened during our trip to this new location. "I have a job for you." He looked down at the woman, who was tensed as Jacob pulled her against his chest, the most plastic smile I've ever seen on anyone glued to her beautiful face.

"I have a gift for you, Darling." Jacob informed her, turning around and gesturing grandly to a warehouse before us.

"A building." She said, sarcastic marvel in her voice. "You shouldn't have."

Jacob let out a throaty chuckle. "No, Dearest. It's what's inside the warehouse. I know Astra was important to you. My first of many gifts I ever gave your stunning self. But I'm hoping you'll get the circus a good amount of money through this." He nodded at Sam and Garrett, who opened the warehouse doors.

The woman drew in a gasp, much like me I guessed as the majestic elephant took a few steps forward, its long trunk moving towards us a bit, like a wave hello. "Meet Indigo." Jacob said grandly. "You two will start training her and you, my Darling, will perform with her. It will garner the attention of people of all ages, boosting us up economically."

I heard the woman scoff, but sighed in relief as Jacob walked off. She beamed up at the elephant, Indigo, and looked towards me. The smile vanished as she took in my haggard state. She sighed. "I'm sorry I didn't notice Jacob's plan until it was too late." She mumbled, walking up to me.

"I hardly think it's fair to pin the blame on you." I responded. She lightly traced the black circle around my eye, thankfully much more faded than it was even yesterday. "I still don't know your name." I informed her, changing the subject.

She scoffed faintly, shaking my hand. "Bella." She introduced herself.

"A performer and Jacobs. . .?" I trailed off in no more than a polite inquiry.

Bella ducked her head before turning to face Indigo, who made her way towards us. Bella met her halfway, laughing softly as Indigo's trunk caressed along her torso, up to her chin. "You're so beautiful." She sighed to the elephant. "You'll be the bell of every carnival we do."

I chuckled, entranced by Bella herself. She looked naturally beautiful, her curls cascading down her back, her curves teasing me though her beige pants and navy button down. Her lips were perfect and pulled up a little into a soft smile, her enchanting eyes curiously exploring Indigo as she explored Bella.

I walked closer, only to take a small step away as Indigo began exploring me. I was thankful Bella didn't look, only laughing knowingly at my startled gasp. "Curious lady." She chastised the elephant, who's trunk trailed up my torso as it had done for Bella. It stopped under my chin, resting firmly against me.

"Is this how elephants flirt?" I mused, running a hand down Indigo's trunk. Bella's enchanting laugh filled my ears.

"What a frisky lady you are." She cooed to Indigo. "And you sure can pick 'em." I looked over at Bella with an arched brow, earning another laugh.

She hummed. "I suppose we should start training her immediately." Bella mused. "Elephants like peanuts and sugar cubes, don't they?"

"Um, yes I believe that's what people say." I replied. Bella smiled.

"Then I'll be back with some loot." She announced. "I'll let you have a moment alone." She added with a teasing look at me and Indigo, who was softly exploring my face and arms. I wondered why she was so much more cautious with me. It pained me to think she had reasons to be weary of men.

Bella came back with a few sugar cubes. "I'll go into town tomorrow and get said loot." She claimed, extending the palm with three sugarcubes out to Indigo. The elephant picked them up using her trunk, putting them in her mouth like a human uses their hand. She made a soft rumble, her trunk pressing into Bella's chest in thanks. She laughed quietly, gently taking the trunk in between her hands moving it so it was against her cheek.

"I think I love Indigo already." She admitted.

"How can you not?" I asked wryly, rubbing one of Indigo's legs.



It wasn't long before Jacob showed up, grinning at us. "So, have you started training? I can guide you through it, if you wish." I tensed at his question.

"No, we haven't started training. I need to make a trip into town." I replied briskly.

I tensed further as I felt Jacob walk closer to me. "Darling, when have I ever failed to train something? I'll just try to get Indigo on a walk." I sighed at the tone of voice he used, the passive-aggressiveness covered in a layer of honey.

He moved to the side, and I whimpered quietly at the sight of a bullhorn. "Jacob I don't think-" Jacob's withering glare kept Edward from finishing his thought.

"Forward." Jacob commanded in a harsh voice. I flinched as I heard the bullhorn being used. "Forward." The soft thump of the bullhorn. Indigo took a step forward. And it continued in a horrifying pattern. Jacob had the nerve to smirk at me as he stabbed Indigo forward. I nearly puked when I saw the blood dribble out.

I looked at Edward once Jacob and Indigo were away from us, my face a question mark. I knew he couldn't answer the two questions in my head: Why didn't we protest more? And What do we do to stop it?.

"Jacob needs you to help Emmett." Sam said to Edward, popping out of nowhere. He looked over at the smaller figure of Indigo begrudgingly taking steps forward. He looked over at me. "I'll try to hide that thing." He mumbled, and I just swallowed and nodded, sighing as he ran a hand over my elbow lightly before stalking off, Edward leaving a minute later with a weak smile at me. 

Can I just say Circuses are the WORST thing anyone has ever thought of. All of the. . .methods. . .used in this book will be based off of research. Just so you know. Bottom line humans suck as a species and you need to not hurt animals please. Um, leave a comment if you want and have a nice night/day.

-Cloudy 💖💖💖

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