Suiting Up

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"With that out of the way, shall we move on?" Nighteye asked, respectfully. I was still quite stunned at the intelligence he had displayed in analyzing my quirk. Even telling me things I didn't know.

"I-um... Yes. Yeah! What's next?" I asked, regaining my composure.

"This is a Hero Agency. Your current outfit will not do. You have some costume or suit for Hero work, don't you?" Nighteye asked.

"Yeah, sure." I said. I eagerly held up my suitcase containing such things. Nighteye looked at me seriously.

"Then suit up. And do it quickly." Nighteye ordered. I couldn't help but fidget.

"Where should I...?" I said, looking around.

"Bubble Girl!" Nighteye suddenly yelled. His sidekick had come through the door immediately, like magic. "I figured you would be listening at the door. We will discuss that later. Please show L/N to where he will be staying for his time here. Bubble Girl led me to a minimalist room with a cot, a window and a bathroom. I threw my stuff down and started changing into my Hero costume. Then I stepped out from my quarters.

(Your costume basically looks like this, only with aviator sunglasses and your shock gloves)

(Your costume basically looks like this, only with aviator sunglasses and your shock gloves)

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"Alright. I am SO ready!" I shouted, eagerly. Every time I wore my costume, I couldn't help but feel badass. I made my way back to Nighteye's office and knocked before opening the door. "Okay Sir, I'm all suited up." I said. Nighteye looked my costume up and down before standing up from his desk.

"So, this is your costume. I must say it's rather loud." Nighteye commented.

"Loud? If I were wearing yellow and orange spandex, I could see your point. But an all black outfit? I'm gonna have to disagree with you there, Sir." I stated, calmly. Nighteye stopped in front of me and looked me in the eye.

"Why don't you tell me about your inspiration behind this outfit?" Nighteye asked.

"My costume was one of my hardest decisions. I wanted something that's iconic without being loud. I wanted something that's intimidating without looking criminal. And it had to be black in color, for the most part. This is where the Support Course landed. And after the Entrance Exam, I added my holsters and shock gloves to it." I explained. Nighteye placed a hand to his chin.

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