~ Chapter Thirteen: Arkham Vote ~

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Jim could feel his head begin to ache from this never-ending struggle. No matter how many times he stared at that damned piece of paper, hoping the answer would eventually reveal itself, the three initials remained, providing no extra hints. His work phone rang, and he immediately picked it up, his eyes locked onto his desk. "This is Detective Gordon," He spoke. "Hello, old friend," Oswald's somewhat cheerful voice made Jim snap back to reality. "What do you want?" he spoke lowly.

"To offer you help, and prove that you can trust me," Oswald answered. "There's gonna be another murder, Maroni has put out the hit," "Who's the target?" Jim questioned. "Someone backing Falcone's plan. Who it is, I can't be certain," From this tiny detail alone, Jim recalled Essen's words, about how all the councilmen and the mayor were under police protection that night. How would Maroni's men be able to pull this hit when there were people nearby to stop it from happening?

"There are many ways around the police. But the hit will happen tonight... that much I can be certain of," Oswald responded with a slight chuckle. "How do you know all this?" Jim asked. "I told you, Detective... Gotham is my home," The line clicked, and the call went dead. Instantly, Jim rushed over to the main desk, asking for a list of all the officers on police protection. As one of the officers handed him the list, Jim's eyes quickly skimmed the page until his eyes landed on the exact lineup of the CLM. Campos, Lazenby, and Martins were all officers sent to Mayor James Residence. 

Jim reached for his phone and dialed for Harvey, but the call went straight to voicemail. "Bullock, I found out who Gladwell's next target is. It's the mayor," Jim said, hoping his partner would hear the message and join him as soon as possible. Rain poured over Gotham, and as Jim parked across the street from the mayor's residence, he looked through the windows of the cop cars, but nobody was in them. Jim rushed up the concrete stairs and pounded loudly on the door. Mayor James' opened the door shortly after with confusion.

"Detective Gordon. What's going on?" Mayor James inquired. "Sir, I think your life may be in danger. I need to get you out of here," "What? No, I... I'm not going anywhere... I got police protection," Mayor James explained as if Jim didn't know that already. "I just checked, and no one's out there. Sir, I think someone's coming here to kill you," Jim clarified, ushering the mayor back inside. "I got to get some things from my safe," 

Jim shut the door behind them as he entered the mayor's home, following him into his office and looking out the windows as Mayor James opened his safe and started stuffing his bag with unknown items. "Sir, we need to go... now," Jim warned. "I'm moving as fast as I can!" Mayor James insisted. "Is there someplace I can take you? Somewhere you'll be safe?" Mayor James shifted through the papers and documents inside, asking if they weren't going to the police station. "I'm not sure you'll be safe there. The police..." Jim tried to explain, but he trailed off. This only made Mayor James upset, and although he didn't say it directly, he asked himself why the cops weren't doing their jobs properly.

"What the hell is this town coming to?" Mayor James muttered. "Sir..." Jim once again warned, sensed the looming danger even though he couldn't see it. "All right, all right, My sister's house. It's across town," Mayor James finally answered Jim's previous question. Finally having everything he needed, the two men finally started to make their way out. But before they could even step a foot outside, Gladwell had arrived. His weapon at the ready.

"Go! Go! Go!" Jim shouted to the mayor as he quickly ran back up the stairs. Jim tried to force the door shut, but the assassin stuck his weapon in the door, preventing him from doing so. The assassin kicked the door open, and Jim slipped on the trail of water he left. He threw a lamp and a few nearby books as a diversion before quickly making his way upstairs, unaware that he left behind his gun. He and Mayor James locked themselves in the office. "Is there another way out?" Jim questioned. "Through here!" Mayor James gestured to the giant sliding wooden doors on the opposing wall.

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