Rule Number One: Fuck Off

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"H-Hey! You look uhm... you're the new... the new transfer student r-right?" A shorter student approached him. They had fluffy blue hair, a little red piece poking out, and white tips. They were cute, but he doubted they had good intentions speaking with him.

"Fuck off" He growled, getting away from them. He wasn't much in the mood of dealing with someone who wanted him for likely dubious reasons, he wasn't going to play buddy-buddy with someone who just wanted him around for his intimidation factor.

"I- I could show you to your class!" The other offered with stutters and pauses. He really doubted the other had good intentions.

"Fuck off" he repeated, turning and walking off in the direction he suspected his class was in.

The small person was following him. Could they really not fuck off?

They didn't speak to him, just quietly walked, it made him feel a little bad for shutting them down. He didn't feel all that bad about it since they had opted to follow him even though he'd told them to "fuck off".

Soon enough he found the room his class was supposed to be in, room one hundred twenty-six. He didn't really care what class he was in, knowing he'd probably be bored to death of it no matter what it was. He sat in the back of the class, hoping that by now the tiny little shit had gotten the message.

He took a short look around, finding the still nameless little shit was sitting in the back row with him. They were going through their stuff, getting out what they probably needed for the class. Now that he got a second look at him, the other had a bit of a baby face, it wasn't helped by how they were dressed. They wore a white sweater with colorful patterns on the sleeves, the patterns looked raised, he didn't remember what it was called to sew in patterns. The other was a fucking Mama's child. He did not have the energy to deal with that. They were however, still too 'ambiguous' gender wise for him to put a finger to what he should call them.

He looked away from them; they were captivating and maybe a little cute, but he didn't want to interact with them. He got out his stuff for class, or at least what he thought he'd need as he'd yet to get anything from his teachers. His teachers hadn't given him or his dad anything when they'd showed up for the 'orientation' for lack of a better term.

The other noticed his lack of materials and was about to say something, but he shut it down before they could even start.

"Fuck off" He repeated. "I don't need anything from you, fuckin leave me alone."

The other just looked away and went back to doing what he had been before. It felt like he'd kicked a puppy, and now he felt bad about it.

But before he managed to work up the courage to say anything, he heard someone walk by him, go in the smaller's direction, pause, then proceed to call the small person a "fuckin f-slur".

If it weren't for the fact that their teacher was in the classroom, he would've decked the asshole. He didn't like the fact that their teacher didn't even give a shit that that random ass kid had said a slur.

He settled on getting some sort of revenge for that, he didn't know the shortie's name, but they didn't deserve to be treated that way.

He wasn't able to work back up the courage to talk to them, but then he saw the pad is sticky notes in his bag.

Maybe, just maybe, he could apologize to the person. He needed to figure out their locker, though.

He took out the pad of sticky notes and wrote "I'm sorry" on the top one.

Students slowly trickled into the room, most of them being there by the time bell ring. Not all the seats were full, so he assumed they were missing some people.

Their teacher started role call, he wasn't paying too much attention to the names, listening to the names, but not really caring to remember them. Then he saw the shortie raise their hand in response to "America".

Instead of understanding that they were there, their teacher repeated the name, saying: "I can't mark you as present unless you speak" as well.

Needless to say, he was even less pleased with the teacher.

But then he heard America speak again, and god, he hadn't noticed it before, but his voice was cute.

"I- I'm here sir" The other reluctantly spoke, continuing when the teacher didn't read the next name.

As America started to say: "Pre-present..." he started recording, deciding to see if he could get the teacher in any other questionable things.

He wasn't happy with how he'd learned the other's name, but now that he had a name to put to the face, he was a bit less upset. His anger wasn't directed at himself now, but at their teacher who was clearly a dick.

Eventually he heard his own name, Russia, called, and grumbled out a "Present".

He felt the teacher's eyes land on him and stick for a while as he said: "I need you to stay after class so I can give you a textbook and a few other things."

"And you expect me to get to my next class on time, how?" He snarked, already done with the teacher and knowing that he'd need all five minutes in the transfer period to get to his next class.

"That's not my problem"

"You have me for," Russia paused, looking at the clock on the wall. "An hour and twenty six minutes. You could spare a minute to get whatever you need me to have to me. Or you can write me a pass. I'm not staying a second after that bell rings without one"

"You're out of line Russia, I ought to call your mother-"

"Father." He interrupted with an eye roll. "I have one parent and that would be my father. And he wouldn't care anyway, he'd probably agree with me."

"Would you like to test that?"

"He's at work and this isn't an emergency. Feel free, but he'll laugh in your face and hang up." Russia predicted, already knowing the teacher would test it. "But then you'd be wasting more of your precious time."

The following minutes went exactly as he expected: the teacher called his father, got laughed at, told to "just hand the shit over", and left the teacher in question embarrassed.

He didn't stop the recording, wondering if he could catch the teacher in anything else.

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