Rex: Your all I want

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⚠️slight suggestive hints towards the end so read at your own risk ⚠️

Summary: Medic for the clones has had a crush on Rex for a while, but doesn't want to tell him for fear of rejection or Rex losing his post. Fives comes in with a minor injury and pushes/ teases her about telling him the truth. When he on purpose lets it slip how you feel about the 501st captain, how will he react to it?

Being a medic for the republic had its ups and downs. But you wouldn't have traded it for anything. You loved your job. Getting to put your endless knowledge of medicine to good use thrilled you, but that usually came with a price. It was difficult to watch so many clones that you had grown friendly with, end up in the med bay or on the operating table. Frankly the latter had been less frequent as of late and that brought you a wave of relief.

You had a hunch, however that several of the boys, especially from the 501st were purposely injuring themselves just to see you. The idea had crossed your mind before, especially after how many times Fives and Jessie had came to see you. They had become repeat visitors. After a while you paid no mind to. You rather enjoyed their company. That was until on multiple occasions Rex would accompany them.

You and the captain had grown closer over several rotations and you found a comfort in his presence. He was a good solider and had a kind soul. Would stand up for you when a newbie would question your skill sets or try to flirt with you when you visible uncomfortable. He would always greet you when he returned.

It had all started when after being deeply wounded on a mission.

He blamed himself for what had happened. You being you and seeing what the clones would go through, you eased his pain both physically and emotionally. Telling him that none of it was his fault. That he did everything that he could.

He seemed to relax at your words, a genuine smile crossing his lips. One that sent sparks down your body.

After that Rex would visit you whenever he could or needed someone to talk to. It would be about anything. Dealing with Fives endless pranks or the struggles of war. You just listened. Letting him vent his frustrations or worries. You always looked forward to seeing him. So much so it started to become the highlight of your week.

Along the way you started to realize it when Fives pointed it out.

You had feelings for Rex.

It was so gradually that you hadn't realized it until someone made you aware of it. And now it was all you could think about. It made sense. Lately his presence made you nervous. Butterflies would form in your stomach when he came around. And when his hand would brush your shoulder you felt warm. But you knew you couldn't tell him.

Not when it could mean the stripping of his rank or position. No, you wouldn't do that to him. Not when he worked so hard, sacrificed so much to get where he was.

Besides you weren't worth the risk.

You knew that.

Fives and Jessie thought otherwise. And they made it a habit to tell you every chance they got. Today was no different. Both he and Echo had managed to get themselves into a fight in the cafeteria over a simple disagreement according to the calmer of the two.

"It was his fault". Fives grumbled as I looked over his bruised cheek. The purple hue was beginning to set in, but with a bacta patch he'd be healed in no time.

"Are you sure?" You teased lightly.

Fives scoffed as you gently placed the patch on his cheek. Echo chuckled beside his fellow brother and rolled his eyes, then crossed his arms over his chest plate.

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