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"How was the interview? Or do I call it an interview? How was the finalizing of his proposals?" Kyle barraged her with questions as they all met again, at Lara's house this time, for updates on the outcome of her meeting with Shane.

"I have already prepared gifts in readiness and anticipation of your reply," Meredith said with a delighted twinkle in her eyes. "Is it a yes?"

Lara nodded in response, smiling lightly. "It's a yes!"

Meredith squealed in excitement, both she and Kyle rushing over to hug her as tightly and as warmly as they could without choking Lara.

"Ladies! Ladies!" Lara mumbled against their smoldering hugs.

"Oh! We're sorry," Kyle apologized quickly, both of them pulling away from her and smiling happily for her.

Lara felt elated to see that she had such wonderful friends. They cared so much about her happiness, as if it were their own. She was deeply touched.

Meredith leaned forward and held her hands in hers. "Lara." She sniffed, tears clouding her eyes. "I've always longed for this day, bestie. You've been through so much—more than any lady, anyone your age, should have ever been through. I'm overjoyed at the moment that..." Her mouth parted wordlessly as she smiled and cried.

Lara nodded to her in understanding, silently communicating her appreciation for their steadfast and unending support for her through her eyes.

"Congratulations, Lara. This calls for celebration!" Kyle cheered with a scream of glee.

"Of course!" Lara agreed.

"I believe you've informed all your bosses, however many they may be, of your resignation," Meredith inquired.

"Of course. That's all been settled," Lara answered. "But the celebration might have to wait till the weekend. I am still to meet with Shane today."

Meredith and Kyle shared a look before they turned to her.

"Are you resuming work immediately tomorrow?" Kyle furrowed her brows as she asked.

Lara shook her head and huffed a deep breath. "No. The thing is, uh, I'm actually to go out shopping with him for suitable wear that would meet the standard of the company before my official resumption to work."

"Shopping. Wow! That's lovely," Meredith commented.

"But, on whose account will that be? His company has quite the standard," Kyle was saying.

"And for him to personally want to take you out for shopping..." Meredith included.

"Well, he assured me that he would be covering the expenses for the shopping," Lara told them.

Kyle tweaked her fingers in her face, a brilliant smile playing over her lips. "I knew it!"

"He's in love with you, Lara," Meredith breathed.

Kyle cleared her throat. "Love might be a strong term to use for someone of his reputation, Meredith. I would say he's attracted to her."

Lara furrowed her brows. "That makes no sense."

"It does. The pieces click together now. He undoubtedly admires and is attracted to you, Lara," Kyle informed her, holding her gaze.

"So, he does want something from me after all." Lara shook her head.

"You are beautiful. Extremely beautiful. So, it's not surprising that you've caught his attention, and he's willing to move heaven and earth, hyperbolically, to make you secure," Kyle said.

The Playboy's Crush By Deborah A. OlaleyeWhere stories live. Discover now