Q&A 2

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A/N: Welcome to Q&A chapter number 2! Have fun reading this while I work on the next official chapter. :)


Question 1: Are y/n going to meet her parents? If so are they someone we already know?

A/N: Not wanting to spoil too much, I will confirm that Y/N's parents are an idea I've had since the beginning. Will be dropping more hints to her past in future chapters, but here's something for you: Y/N came to the orphanage when she was around seven years old, with no recollection of her prior life.


Question 2: Does Prof Xavier know y/n biological family?

A/N: Would he tell you if he did? ;)


Question 3: Is y/n going to get more abilities?

A/N: I definitely intend to expand Y/N's powers as she continues to learn and train, much like the other X-men. I'm sure there's things her powers are capable of that she doesn't even know yet!


Question 4: To all (The heroes, not Mystique and gang): If you all swapped powers, who would end up with what?

Kitty: I wouldn't mind to read minds sometime like Jean.

Jean: I don't know, it can be.. a bit of a headache. Moving through walls, though!

Evan: Dibs on Scott's laser eyes. POW!

Scott: I'll trade you for spikes!

Kurt: I'll have Rogue's power, and zhen I'll get all of yours, lol

Kitty: Hey, that's cheating!

Rogue: And not how that works. Besides, it's not like we can actually get rid of our powers.

Evan: But if you had to pick, whose powers would you have?

Rogue: *Sighs* I guess... Y/N's.

Y/N: Me?!

Kurt: Hey, zhat leaves you vith teleportation! Good for you!

Y/N: I think all your powers are amazing, I'd be lucky to have any of them.

Kitty: Awww, Y/N!

*Group hug*

Note: The adults decided to stay out of this debate but found it very amusing.


Question 5: To the Brotherhood: Which member of the X-Men do you hate the most? 

Toad: Which one? Probably-

Pietro: Ugh, Evan Daniels, hands down!

Toad: Hey, I'm-

Pietro: He's so "Oh, I'm so cool" and he's not! He's such a loser!

Lance: Obsessive, much?

Pietro: What?! I am NOT-

Blob: Shut it, it's my turn! Uh... Hold on, I need to think.

Lance: *rolls eyes* Well, I think Summers is the most annoying.

Toad: Really? I thought you'd pick Kitty! You know, cuz she dumped you- Wah!

*Lance avalanches Toad onto the floor*

Lance: This is stupid, I'm leaving.

Blob: Oh! I know! Jean and her stupid sunglasses boyfriend! They're the worst!

Toad: That's a good one, but we all know the real worst X-man. My nemesis.

Pietro: ...

Blob: ...

Toad: What?

Blob: Who's your nemesis?

Toad: Wha- Nightcrawler! Duh! Did he- Did he say I wasn't his nemesis?!

*meanwhile, on the other side of town*

Kurt: Vhy is my ear itching?


Question 6: What's something you're afraid of?

Scott: I used to be afraid of planes, but the Professor helped with that? Maybe, uh, skydiving? Or going to the doctor, I don't love medical exams.

Ororo: Small spaces, since I was young.

Kurt: Quicksand! Ze idea of getting stuck in it alvays freaked me out.

Rogue: Um... I don't know. Big crowds? And, uh, getting lost. I got lost once when I was little, but I got back to Irene okay.

Jean: Spiders. I know they're mostly harmless, but they give me the creeps! Driving makes me nervous too.

Evan: My mom when she's angry... Vivian Daniels is scarier than Auntie O, and she has superpowers.

Kitty: Getting a bad grade! And ghosts. I hate haunted houses!

Y/N: What am I afraid of? Um, probably small spaces, and the dark.

Charles: There's a lot of things I'm afraid of. Anything hurting my students is my greatest fear.

*Logan refused to answer the question. He gave you a look and walked away.*


A/N: I'm desensitized to most horror, lol, but body horror still gets under my skin. (pun intended)


Prompt: What if Y/N liked Evan back? 

Presenting: An alternative response to Evan's confession

You sit on the couch, stunned by Evan's video. You can feel his heart beating loudly in his chest, full of fear, and excitement and... affection. True affection. Your blush deepens.

All those wonderful things he said about you... no one in your life has ever made you feel like this.

Evan speaks up, his voice nervous and shaky. "I, uh, I just wanted to tell you, so you know. How I feel. And... And maybe know... if you feel the same?"

Do you feel the same?

You listen to your heart.

Turning to Evan, a smile slowly dawns on your face. "I... I think I do." Because the love, the love you feel right now, it's coming from both of you. You may never have been able to tell if you'd never come to the Institute. But then, would you ever feel this way if you'd never met Evan? He's grinning now too, his eyes shining so beautifully. "For real? You do?"

"Yeah." You breathe, sharing the giddiness of the moment. You don't how you could possibly feel better... until he leans forward and kisses you. It's a quick kiss, a question. And when he begins to draw back, you give your answer by leaning in and kissing him back. An explosion of strange and wonderful emotions wrapped in each other's arms.


A/N: That last one was for Lady_Lilly_Lovely and all the other Evan/Reader shippers. Take it as an alternate universe. I don't get to write everything I'd like as it all doesn't fit in one story, so 'what if?' prompts are a lot of fun. Hope you enjoyed the fluff! If you have any questions/prompt requests for next time, comment them below! I'm working hard on the next chapter, so stay tuned.


A special thank you to all my readers, including:









and Acezero123

Have a great day!

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