Chapter thirty one

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Chapter 31: A Summer's Invitation

Summer break had finally arrived, and Hogwarts was a distant memory as Harry, Hermione, and Sirius found themselves facing the warm embrace of the Granger household once more. The Grangers had grown to consider Harry as their own, a bond forged through shared experiences and the love they held for the young wizard.

As they settled into the cozy living room of the Granger's home, Mrs. Granger couldn't help but express her concern. "I hope your relatives are treating you well, Harry. We worry about you when you're away from here."

Harry glanced at the Grangers, his eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you for caring about me. It means a lot."

Sirius, who had grown fond of the Granger family, chimed in. "You're like family to us, Harry. We won't let anyone harm you."

The warmth of their support was a stark contrast to the cold and neglectful environment Harry had endured at the Dursleys'. He had never felt more at home than he did with the Grangers and his best friend Hermione.

Hermione, sitting beside Harry, took his hand in hers, her fingers entwining with his. She knew the depths of the abuse he had suffered at the Dursleys' hands, and it broke her heart to think of him enduring such cruelty.

As the days of summer break passed, Hermione found herself deeply missing Harry when he wasn't with her. She couldn't bear the thought of him suffering alone in that dreadful place.

One evening, as she sat in her room, she took out a piece of parchment and began to write a letter. Her handwriting was neat and precise, each word carefully chosen:

Dear Harry,

I hope this letter finds you well. I can't help but worry about you, especially when I think about how the Dursleys treated you. I hope they haven't been too awful to you.

It's been quite lonely without you here for the summer. I miss our late-night conversations, our adventures, and the way you make me laugh even when things are tough.

So, I wanted to ask you something. Would you like to spend the rest of the summer with us at our house? Mum and Dad would be thrilled to have you, and I promise we'll do everything we can to make it a wonderful summer for you.

Please consider it, Harry. You're not alone in this, and we love having you as part of our family.

With all my love,


Hermione folded the letter, sealed it with a dab of wax, and sent it on its way with Hedwig, Harry's loyal owl.

Days passed, and Harry received Hermione's letter with a mixture of surprise and warmth. The thought of spending the entire summer with Hermione and her family filled him with a sense of belonging he had never experienced before.

He took out a fresh piece of parchment and began to write a reply, his heart filled with gratitude and love:

Dear Hermione,

Your letter means more to me than I can express. I've missed you all so much, and I can't thank you enough for your kindness and for wanting me to be with you this summer.

The Dursleys have been just as awful as ever, but knowing that I have you and your family in my life makes it bearable. I would love to spend the rest of the summer with you.

Thank you for being the best part of my life, Hermione.

With all my love,


As Hedwig carried Harry's reply back to Hermione, the bond between the two young wizards grew stronger. The summer promised new adventures, shared laughter, and the warmth of a family who had become Harry's own.

A/N: that's it for this chapter, more coming soon. Also check out my other book called "Harry Potter: Shadows of the concealed Mirror". Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know its short but thats because I'm busy with school, once I am not busy, I'll post longer chapters peace!

Tukztruk helenstormeden

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