[ Ch.3 ]

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Everyone at Sika's base has watched Tsukasa and Nene from the big screen, the footage soon shows Tsukasa and Nene falling off a cliff as the snow tide hits them, everyone was terrified.

Sika maniacally giggled, "Oh my goodness, I've never seen such a karma move before!" She said, continuing to laugh.

Saki's eyes were full of fear and hopelessness, she covered her mouth and whimpered a lot as she does so. "N-No...Tsukasa...they can't be..."

Emu had the same feeling, but was more confident that she has hope that Tsukasa and Nene are alright. "Hopefully, they're okay...!" She said, trying to be happy enough.

"Tsukasa...Nene...please be okay..." Saki sighed, trying to be relieved.


After getting fallen down and covered in snow, Tsukasa opened his eyes as he saw something very unfamiliar. What he sees is that everything is covered in ice and the way it's like he's in a room, an icy room, which is quite reminding him of some movie.

"Whoa...it's freezing..." Tsukasa whispered, but then soon to raises his voice. "...and it's the most gorgeous place I've ever been to! Look at these elegant pieces of ice, and even this place has sounds which really makes this place very forbidden but in a beautiful way! Hahaha!"

Nene soon got out of the snow, her eyes blinked as she saw the area, but then looked at Tsukasa irritatingly. "Look, it is exciting, but your yells are going to collapse this place into shattering pieces." She replied.

"Huh! Well, how would you think-" Tsukasa soon stopped at his words when he soon remembered what he said to Nene before the snow tide happened, instead, he decided to ignore about it and just discover more about the area he's in. "Ah, forget it! Let's just keep going."

Nene was a little surprised to see Tsukasa change his attitude like he didn't want to scold her again. That's odd, perhaps he just changed his mood just because he noticed what he caused earlier? Nene thought.

After a few steps, Nene stopped and closed her eyes in forgivingness. "Tsukasa..." She said, making him pay attention. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry about causing your problems and even be a distress about it."

"Nene, look." Tsukasa replied, his face looking directly at something else.

Nene soon sighed, "I know, you're mad at me as always."

"No, really...look!" Tsukasa pointed to the statue as it was holding something very mythical, like an orb. It has a flashy blue theme all around it.

Nene looked back at Tsukasa with a smirk. "Well, we better go get it." She replied, as she began to run but then fell into the snow.

Tsukasa on the other hand just successfully collected the orb out of the statue and laid a huge grin on his face. "Well, would you look at that! We got the first orb Miku needed us to find!" He said, caressing the orb.

Nene, who was trapped in the snow, strongly tries to pull herself up. "Uhh, Tsukasa..." She muffled, continuing to pull herself out.

Tsukasa looked back at Nene, "Oh, sorry!" And then pulls Nene by the hand. "Heh, you looked so cute in that pile of snow, anyways! Maybe it would be better if I left you there!" He teases her after pulling her out of the snow.

Nene had a tiny smile on her face, but then looked at the orb and tries to recognize what it represents.

"So...that's the Classroom Sekai, huh?" Nene asks. "Hopefully, it's definitely the ones Miku requested us to collect."

Tsukasa, who doesn't know what the Sekai is, just nodded dumbfoundingly. "I hope so."

The two of them soon gazed at the sun as it was setting down in the horizon. 

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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