Chapter 11

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TW: Mentions/talking about abuse


The remaining two Star Sanes sat at the table, talking about how to get Ink back. They refused to give up that easily. They needed him, especially after that embarrassing loss. He was useful, and it was much easier to get him back than try and replace him. It would take multiple Sanses to even start to replace him and his overwhelming power. Even then, no one wanted to join them. They had protected and saved so many people, but even then, they had a... less than favourable reputation.

Mostly because of what Cross said after he left them. Many people had also seen Dream blowing up at Ink during or after a battle, and they would not join them for fear of being treated the same way.

They needed Ink back. Needed him.

"So was he taken or did he leave? What are we going with?" Swap asked

"He's a traitor, like Cross," he snarled. "But we need him back. He will come back, and when he does, I am going to kill him," He gripped the table, hard.

"Let's get working on a plan to get him back then," Swap tried to calm him.

They began discussing possibilities on what they could offer Ink. A better room, more food, more television privileges. Things like that. Dream was reluctant to give him too much, but decided he would take most away to discipline him anyway.

Once they got Ink back they would make sure he would never leave again. If that meant a shock collar or something similar, then so be it. He was theirs, their weapon. They couldn't let him get away again.

"So, he will get more food and more leisure time as part of the deal. Sounds good?" Swap asked, writing their offer down in a contract for him to sign.

"Yes. I will be putting a tracker in Ink once he gets home. What do we think about a shock collar?"

"Isn't that too much?" Swap looked at Dream without moving his head.

"How will we get him to obey? What if he runs again? We will shock him until he comes home. This will never happen again. " Dream shrugged. "If dogs can figure it out, I'm certain Ink can."

Swap wanted to speak up about how terrible that was, but if he did he would be on the chopping block. He worked so hard to train as a Royal Guard and got a deal of a lifetime that he absolutely couldn't let it go over a shock collar. Besides, it wouldn't hurt Ink too much, right? He would get one shock and begin to obey. It could even be a good thing, Ink may get less beatings and may listen more. Overall it sounded like a good idea.

"Alright, let's get him a collar then. Should we get one like Fell's?" Swap asked

"No. The colour will be gold. Make sure people know who he belongs to."

"Well he has to agree to come back first, right?"

"He will." Dream insisted, ending the conversation.

He stood up and walked away, leaving Swap alone to finish up the contract for Ink to sign. He decided to omit certain details (you know, the fucking shock collar) from it. He knew Ink wouldn't come back if he knew about that. It also wasn't like they really needed his permission to shock him into submission.

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