Chapter 3

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TW: Kidnapping & drugging


Ink was in his room, painting. It was something that always managed to calm him down. His hand still hurt from getting kicked and he needed to calm himself down from the screaming. Having his friend pick apart his entire personality over some candles was extremely distressing for him, after all. The whole ordeal upset everyone to the point Dream and Swap had left him alone for the evening.

The air got thick from the paint fumes after a while. Of course Ink used high quality paints that stunk to high heavens. It even drove a skeleton, who had no nose, outside for some air. Silly man forgot to open the windows, so the whole room was most likely a bomb of paint fumes by now. Ink got outside and sat on the wooden bench in their back garden. The one the three of them made by hand. He smiled sadly as he traced his hand across the wood. Those were much better times.

Unfortunately for Ink, he didn't notice the people surrounding him. The paint fumes messed with his head and his usually sharp instincts, so they were able to get closer without notice. Ink only realised when a twig snapped behind him and a hand flew over his mouth. Well, a rag. Ink began to fight, getting out of the first person's grip, only to be tackled by two others. The unlucky man had left his brush inside, so he barely had any defence against the men attacking him. Of course he was trained in hand to hand combat, but a small man against several giants? He didn't stand a chance, but that didn't stop him from trying.

There was no escape for Ink. He was pinned to the ground on his stomach, hands held tightly behind his back and the rag to his mouth. It took a few minutes to work, as the substance doesn't work like the movies-especially on skeletons. A solid five minutes of fighting went by before Ink was knocked out.


Nightmare waited impatiently for his idiots to return home with their prize in hand. He loved them, but man, they were immature babies. He paced the halls, hoping for them to return soon. As he passed by the front door for what felt like the hundredth time, it opened. They entered their house, an unconscious Ink carried in Horror's arms. They all stopped when they saw Nightmare standing there waiting idly by for them, and he looked down as the unconscious skeleton with a vicious smile on his face.

Horror followed Nightmare into the basement where the dungeons are. He didn't care when Ink's head and limbs hit the walls on the way down. He wasn't there to show off, afterall. Nightmare had a specific job in mind for him, and a few bumps and scrapes would be the least painful thing that he was going to do to him. Horror placed Ink onto the floor of the cell and splashed water onto his face. Ink startled awake, trying to get his bearings from the sudden and cold wake up call. Nightmare bent down to him, a sadistic smile on his face.

"Good morning~" He cooed to the skeleton below him. Before Ink could speak, Killer grabbed him under his arms and forced him to stand.

"Where am-" Ink started, being cut off when Nightmare slapped him across the face, hard.

Then he began to circle the small man, seeming to take in Ink for the first time. He examined every detail of his body as ink watched him walk in circles.

"There will be rules here. First, don't speak unless spoken to," He started.

He stopped his circling to pull something off of Inks jacket. He grimaced at the feeling of Ink. He was positive, no doubt a side effect of spending his days around Dream. It felt almost as if it was burning his bones.

"Take these off," Nightmare pulled at Inks shirt before resuming his walk. He brushed his hand on his pants, like he was wiping dirt away.

"What?" Ink demanded, looking down. He wouldn't, he couldn't. He wasn't about to just strip in front of his enemies.

"What was the first rule?" Nightmare asked, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Take them off, or my boys will do it for you. And believe me, they won't be nice about it."

Ink weighed his options. Escaping wasn't an option, he was outnumbered. But nevertheless, he wasn't going to. He crossed his arms and glared at Nightmare, who sighed and snapped his fingers, giving the signal. Killer smirked at him and pulled one of his knives out of his pocket. He slowly approached Ink, and for every step he took forwards, Ink took one backwards. They continued on like this until Ink backed himself against the wall. No escape now. Killer's smile grew wider and he reached out and ripped Ink's shirt off his chest.

Ink tried to fight against him, but with a knife less than inches from stabbing him his options were limited. He was helpless, he couldn't do anything to stop what was happening to him. He hated it. He hated this even more when Killer leaned down and ripped his layers of shorts off his legs as well. He was completely naked in front of these people who obviously enjoyed the sight. Not because of anything sexual per se, but more because it showed them how helpless Ink was, that he was at their mercy. Ink tried to cover himself with his arms, but Nightmare quickly stopped that idea by grabbing his wrists and yanking them above his head.

Nightmare pulled Ink into the centre of the room, still feeling the positivity off of the man. It still felt like it burned his tentacles as they held his bones. He threw him onto the floor and ordered Cross to find the negative vials. Once retrieved, Nightmare poured the two vials over his head, having it trickle over his body. The fear and sadness began to overwhelm Ink as he crumpled up and cried on the floor. Nightmare breathed in and smiled, loving the feelings he was getting off of him.

"This will work. Good job," He praised his boys. "Take him to my room. I'll keep an eye on him."

"Do we keep him naked?" Error asked.

"No. His clothes are picked out upstairs. They're nice and thin, to keep him as miserable as possible."

Horror and Killer each took one of Inks arms and half lead, half dragged him up the stairs as he sobbed. Nightmare crouched down where the paint was spilled, dipping two fingers into the colours.

"It's interesting," Is all he said before walking up the stairs behind the three.

Horror pushed Ink into Nightmares room while Killer looked for the clothing. Ink was still in hysterics, trying anything to make the feeling go away.

"Really?" Killer asked, holding up a thin shirt and shorts

"He will freeze." Horror said.

"I think that's the point." Killer snickered.

He chucked the clothes down in a pile on the floor in front of Ink. Obviously he was in no state to dress himself, but they were not going to dress him like a baby.

Ink looked at the clothes, but obviously had no energy to put the clothes over his freezing cold bones. He just hoped Dream and Swap would save him soon. They might have been angry with him, but they were his friends. They would come for him. Inks vision began to blacken as the waves of fear and sadness kept washing over him. Ink was soon forced into sleep, unable to fight it anymore.

Killer and Horror walked out of the room, leaving the skeleton unconscious, naked and freezing in their bosses room. 

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