Phthonos' Child

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Phthonos' Child
Short Story by Noelle Grace

Born of royal blood, young Eulalia always had a grasp of her responsibilites. She knew her acts reflected not just on her, but on her kingdom. Since she was a child she knew in her very bones that she was meant to rule. But then, at the age of 12, she had a realization. Her mother had birthed 3 more children since her, still her father was unhappy. Curious as a child is, young Eulalia began to listen to her fathers words, 'Another, A boy, Prince, King.' Soon young Eulalia learned she was born to the curse known as sex. Being a woman meant she would never be able to reign. Eulalia quickly lost her lovely youth, growing ugly in her cruelity. Jealous of her more fair sisters and of her unborn brother, her corrupted mind compelled her to use her blade on her mother while she slept, killing the next heir. The thought left Eulalia as she knew no matter how much she wanted to rule she would never hurt her family.

The third moon cycle had passed and the Queen was finally due. In the night beneath the full moon bright the King finally settled, his rage lifting and the kingdom celebrating the birth of the next king, Aero. Eulalia's 5 sisters celebrated their new brother, praising him and predicting how he'd rule. The Queen was happy to have finally had a son as was the king. It seemed all was well in the kingdom and so it was believed to be! Unbeknownst to the kingdoms people and the royal family there was evil lurking. In the shadows of the glorious night Eulalia crept, disgusted and enraged that despite she being the first born, she shall never accsend. 'It wasn't right!' Is what the princess thought, forever haunted by the knowing she was cheated out of her throne. In a fit of rage and jelousy Eulalia stalked into her newborn brothers room, looming over the elegantly carved crib. The moonlight shone on the baby, illuminating it's soft skin and full cheeks. As Eulalia raised her blade, prepared to take the life of her brother his eyes opened. A sweet, honey brown color glowing in the nights light. A happy coo coming from the baby's mouth, his small hands reaching for his elder sister. Eulalia stopped, hesitant in what she was so sure of a moment ago.

Eulalia ran back to her room frantically, her thoughts manic as her mind raced. She threw down her books and jewels in a fit of rage, emptying her shelf in one aggressive drag of the arm. With heavy breathing and a mess of a room Eulalia finally calmed, her anger dissolving into sorrow. *BAM!* Another final book fell from the top shelf, a loud thud followed dusty air. Eulalia was curious, how could it have fallen if she did not push it. With great hesitancy and skeptisism she approached the book that had fallen open, reading the first word on the nearly blank page, "Phthonos." With that single word Eulalia grew more jealous and full of rage than ever before. Eulalia grabbed her blade from the floor running back to her brothers room, a large, toothy, grin on her face. Her loud footsteps alerted her sisters who followed after her in haste and confusion. "Eualila, sister, what are you doing?!" "Eulaila stop!" Her sisters cried after her. Eulalia broke down the door to her brothers nursery wasting no time to get to his crib. The boys smiling face quickly turned to horror as the newborn sensed his impending doom. His cry echoed through the castles halls, alerting the King and Queen who got to the room in no more than a second. "What have you done!?" The King cried in horror as the Queen fell to the floor. Eulalia didn't speak, a smile plastered on her face as she turned to face her family, her brothers cries disappearing into the cold night. "You will pay for this, you unreasonable heathen!" One sister screamed as she lunged towards Eulalia, a blade stopper her attack as it was lunged into her stomach. A cold hearted laugh echoed through the bloodied room, the king now approaching the murderous princess. "You are not my daughter anymore, I will take much joy in your death." The king said coldly as he drew his sword. Eulalia laughed again, bringing the king to his knees with a Godly amount of strength. "No, you don't understand. I was the first born of this family. I was supposed to be the next royal heir. I was supposed to be Queen! You do not tell me whats unreasonable, I am doing what is right for MY kingdom! You WILL respect ME!" Eulalia stated as she slit the throat of her father, her four sisters and mother following quickly after. As the sun began to rise, dim pricks of light entering the nursery Eulalia finally saw what she had done. The sun casted a shadow of her body but it was different, it was as though there was a tall man beside her. Eualila began to cry silently as she stood perfctly still, staring at the blood on her hannds. A whispering snicker pulled her from her tears. Before Eulalia could ask who was there the voice spoke, "Thank you, Eualalia... You have given me a body to enact my rage on the physical plane... While killing your only kin an enemy clan invavded your kingdom, killing the people you... swore you would protect. You were so caught up in you lust for blood that you didn't even realize! You've cursed yourself, forver condemed to live in guilt and loneliness, stuck roaming the ruins of your kingdom, forever." And with that the shadow beside Eulalia disappeared and she fell to her knees, blood pooling around her as she sobbed.

The end ♡

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