Part 2: Dream? Nightmare?

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Normally, Jackson was a heavy sleeper. It didn't usually take long for him to fall asleep. However, something was keeping him up. Maybe it was the bedsheets? Nope, he checked them thrice. The pillows? Fluffy and soft as can be. Then what was keeping him from sleeping? He checked the time on his phone Maybe he fell asleep so fast that he didn't even notice. 'Wouldn't that be something?' he thought to himself. However, Jackson noticed something strange. His phone wouldn't turn on. No matter how long he held it's power button, it wouldn't even vibrate. "Geez, I must've forgot to plug it up before sleeping" he said, while putting it down in frustration As he got up to walk out of his room, he noticed something strange. Everything was ...darker? He looked at his arms. They were visibly darker, yet he could tell it wasn't night. He also found it slightly hard to move as he got closer to the door. And there was this weird static in his vision, like the kind on old tvs, but very slight. Relatively unfazed, he decides to leave his room. However, as moves closer to the exit, he notices a weird sensation on his body. It feels like a weird pressure, akin to that of being underwater. Despite the increasing pressure on his body, he slowly pushed himself closer and closer to the door. It was as solid as a rock. 'Huh?? Why is it so stuck? Ohh, wait. Let me try..' Jackson mentally prepared himself for what he was about to do. He backed up a few steps, and started running at the door at full speed! He didn't go nearly as fast as he figured he would, however, as he just barely moved the doorframe. The door was opened, and as Jackson walked out, he thought to himself. 'I get it now. I'm probably just dreaming, haha! That's probably why things are so messed up! What did I eat before I fell asleep?' As he starts moving towards the living room, he hears a familiar voice. One that stops him in his tracks. 'Is that? No, it can't be.' he thinks to himself as he gets closer. Suddenly, the pressure on his body gets much greater. He falls to the ground hard, and is struggling to get himself up. ' way. It can't be him.' he tells himself. He forces his way across the floor before hitting the wall right in front of the kitchen. As he reaches the wall, the force pushing on him is nearly unbearable. He can hardly move as he's stuck sitting on the ground. Now he hears two voices. One that sounds remarkably like his mother. The other one, though... Jackson decides to try to sneak a peak of the unknown man. As he moves his face closer to the entrance, the pressure starts to blur his vision and his ears. As his eyes hit the lights of the kitchen, he sees him. The man he hates the most talking with his mother. The man turns to look at Jackson and smiles. Jackson frowns. "No way." he said. "Yes way." the familiar, yet haunting visage says. "Hey, son. How have you been?" Then, all of a sudden, Jackson's vision goes black.


Jackson awoke with troubled breathing. Despite the weird nightmare he just had, he was still feeling refreshed and better than he was before his nap. Filled with new energy, he walks down the stairs in his home before he starts to think. 'Wait, how come there wasn't any stairs in my dream? Did I just forget they were there? And what about that last bit with the guy at the end? I don't really remember him, I think?' he ponders to himself. Upon thinking about it for a bit, he concludes that its not worth thinking about. As he walks down to the living room to check out what's happened since he fell asleep, he starts to remember something he feels as though he's forgotten. "Yo, mom! I'm awake now! Where are you?" he calls out. "I'm in here! Can you come help us finish the final touches in the kitchen?" she responds from across the room.
"We? Who's we?"
"Oh, some neighbors came by to help us move in! They're the parents of one of your friends! You should come say hi!"
"Oh, uhhh. Okay!"
Jackson quickened his pace so as not to keep his mother and their guests waiting. As he reached the kitchen entrance, he immediately was grabbed by an unknown being. Before he could process anything, he quickly gets pulled into a hug. Surprised, he lets out a small shout. "Woah!" he says, before the person(?) holding him let's go. "Oh my bad, dude. I forgot you didn't really like hugs, haha." the...creature(?) states. Jackson pauses. "Uh, yeah, haha." he says while looking embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I don't really recognize you?" The individual stands there blank faced for a second before snapping to attention.

"Oh, thats right. We haven't seen each other since we were like, kids. I'm a bit hurt you don't remember, though, ha." he says as he holds his green hand out. "The name is legally Josh Landins, but I don't really dig that, so you can call me Bulbs."

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