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"I..I'm sorry. Please forgive me." Jungha says, and Jeon frowns, not understanding why the hell his wife is crying and asking for forgiveness.

"What's happened?" Jeon ask her, looking at her tears filled eyes.

"I..I lied. Jm doesn't have any boyfriend. He is single. It's me who sent him away. I makes him looks bad infront of you. When those days, I said he went out its was lie, the reality was, he was doing all house cores." Jungha confessed, and Jeon was shocked. He feels anger towards his wife, but he wants to know why her wife did that and where Jm is.

"W..why? And w..where is he?" Jeon asked, tears falling from his eyes. He doesn't care if younger loves him or not; he just wants to be with Jm. His eyes is desperate to see the boy's face, who's clouding his mind and heart all the moment.

"I got to know about your affair with him. That's why I took revenge and wanted to make you feel the pain I went through." Jungha said and Jeon gasped before hanging his head low.

"I'm sorry. I know what I did is wrong but I don't know how that happened, but I love your brother now. I want him so much. I know I'm sounding selfish, but I can't stop my heart." Jeon confessed, and Jungha cried.

"I always knew you wanted to leave this marriage. My second pregnancy, I tricked it to be with you because I knew sooner or later you'd realize you didn't want to be in a loveless marriage, so I didn't take b-pills. I even lied about many things. I wanted to be with you for your reputation and money, even when my feelings for you also faded away. But now I've realized my mistakes, and I'm setting you free. Here are the divorce papers; sign them." Jungha says, forwarding the papers to Jeon. Jeon doesn't know what to feel now, but he's happy to finally be free. Now he can have his lover back in his arms. He can be free from this marriage.

"I'm sorry for hurting you. But please tell me, where is he? I want to see him as soon as possible." Jeon begged, joining his hand in front of Jungha.

"I knew you wanted to see him. Here is the flight ticket and the address where he lives. I've packed your luggage already. Go get him." Jungha says, tears falling from her eyes, and Jeon smiles before hugging her for one last time.

"Thank you so much, Jungha." He said, rushing from bed and grabbing his luggage. He doesn't care how he looks, but for now, he wants to be with his lover as soon as possible.


My stories character are always pre-planned. Don't come and accuse me, I make Jungha looks bad to get jikook together. Everyone is not saint in my stories, everyone did mistake and have fault.

Idol / Wife's Brother 18+ [A Jikook Fanfiction] ✓Where stories live. Discover now