2: Two Minicons and Meeting Clench

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Unicra didn't need to check her chronometer to see that she has been in her cell for more than two solar cycles which was a pain but she likes the silence aside from the quiet murmurs of the mechs in the other cells which always lull her to recharge.

Worry and concern has been plaguing her processor. Worry for Trionix who's all by herself in Iacon.

Concern for the mech, Screwbolt, who she harmed by accident.

She didn't really talk much to other mechs when they tried to get her attention and all she was able to do was pace around in her cell, try and find a way out, refuel, recharge, let her processor wander.

She can't help but be worried about Trionix. She's supposed to be the Lord High Protector of her Prime and now they're separated and her Prime is out there alone.

Now on the third solar cycle of her being in prison there seems to have a slight change in the air and she looked at her cell door to see two Minicons looking at her curiously. There was something familiar about them but she couldn't ponder on it.

"So you're the new face the guards are gossiping about?" The first one asked curiously.

The first one was a red minicon while the second one was a blue minicon. She snorted as she walked to the bars of her cell door and knelt down on one knee as she looked at them.

"I'm afraid that I was forced here against my will, young ones." She said calmly.

"Hey, you kinda remind me of the big bot." The blue one pointed out.

"Oh? Why is that?" Unicra asked in curiosity but the blue minicon shrugged.

"Dunno but you seem nice." The blue one said.

"Wait, are you a femme?" The red one asked in surprise as she smiled softly.

"Yes, I am." She simply said before the doors to the entrance of the cells opened and the two minicons turned towards it.

"We gotta get back now. It was nice meeting you." The red one said as he dragged the blue one away.

She hummed softly as a familiar guard stood in front of her cell.

"The boss wanted to see you." Gearbreak said as he unlocked her cell and grabbed a pair of cuffs and strapped them on her wrists and led her out.

She can practically feel the optics of the mechs burning on her back but she didn't pay them any mind as they entered the lift as the doors closed as it took them to the top floor. On the ride, Unicra just stayed silent as Gearbreak was leaning against the wall of the lift across from her.

"Can I ask something?" She asked suddenly as Gearbreak looked at her silently and she took that as a go ahead.

"How's... How is he? The one I accidentally harmed?" She asked and Gearbreak looked at her cautiously.

Gearbreak was ordered to get the femme that hurt Screwbolt and now she's asking about how he is? For some strange reason, this femme seems different from the rest.

"Hm, he's doing okay. His optic was saved but he'll have to take it easy until then." Gearbreak said as he looked at her suspiciously.

She just hummed as the lift took them to the floor that they were needed in and she grunted when Gearbreak took her arm and led to her a door to what appeared to be an office and sitting on a chair was the boss with Sliderim, Shatter Stone and Screwbolt standing on either side and she can see Screwbolt shifting uncomfortably to the side and she had to fight a smirk. Good, that would at least teach him a lesson not to try anything.

"Good. Now we can get started." The boss said while Unicra was pushed forward but regained her balance.

"Do you know why you're here, femme?" He questioned.

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