Chapter Five

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That time, I could feel myself waking up.

"What happened?"

"Car accident, last night. We checked her out, and she'll be fine. I figured it'd be best to let her sleep it off. Didn't want to bother you so late, either."

"Next time, do. She slept all through last night, and she still isn't waking up? That's weird, for her."

"Which is why I think someone should keep an eye on her. No one was in the car with her when she crashed, we only found her afterwards. I'm not sure what happened."

"Alright, well, thank you, Billy." A pause. "Hey— have you seen Bella?"

"I think she went to find Jacob."

"Are they... working things out?"

"They'll be fine, Charlie. Besides, you've got to get to hunting."

"Oh! I forgot all about that. Listen, Billy, would you mind keeping an eye on her while I'm gone? I don't want—"

"I've got it. Go."

Even after silence reigned in Charlie's apparent absence, I didn't want to open my eyes. As long as I was asleep — or, at least, pretending to be — I didn't have to face reality. I didn't have to think about Victoria, or the shapeshifters, or Bella's stupidity, or being in danger, or getting hurt, or—

"You're not a very good actor."

Stifling a groan, I sat up and looked over at Billy. "Only because you're freaking psychic."

He raised an eyebrow humorously. "Psychic?"

I gestured in the air. "Y'know, you can read minds and stuff."

"I know what it means. I simply do not understand why you would think I can do those things."

"Well, I was half-joking," I clarified, rubbing my face. "I don't think you're actually psychic, but you do know a lot of things that you should have no way of knowing."

He smiled faintly. "I watch. I listen. I pay attention. You'd do well to do the same."

I rolled my eyes, spinning so that my feet were dangling off the edge of the bed. "I watch plenty, I listen plenty, and therefore, I know plenty. Just because I'm not as patient as you, doesn't mean I'm not as observant as you."

Seeming fairly satisfied with that response, Billy looked me over. "You slept for a very long time."

"I had a very long day. Well, honestly, I've had a very long couple of weeks. Your son—" I cut myself off before I said something I would regret.

"I'm aware of the grief my son has caused you, and I apologize."

I smiled bitterly. "I appreciate that, but coming from you, it doesn't mean much. I'd rather it come from him."

He inclined his head toward me. "Understandable."

The silence that followed was... less than comfortable. I looked around the room, anywhere but at him, trying to find some way to fill it, but I came up short. Glancing at him, I found his piercing gaze was squarely on me, as if he was waiting for me to say something. That only made me more uncomfortable, until I couldn't handle it anymore.

"What?" I practically snapped at Billy.

"There's something bothering you."

"Psychic," I responded pointedly.

His eyes narrowed. "Tell me, child."

I hesitated, then sighed. "Something's wrong. I can feel it. Something's going to happen, and soon. Maybe even today. But, for the life of me, I can't figure out what."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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