Cindered Shadows: Danger in the Dark

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3rd Person POV

Deep underground, beneath Garreg Mach Monastery, a small group of students were seen running behind their two professors, trying to escape from the phantom soldiers that had somehow broken their way into Abyss. Additionally, even some of the massive golem creatures had broken in as well and were slowly working their way further down the tunnels, leading them straight to Abyss. Luckily, it seemed as though they had gotten away for a while, able to finally take a little break from running to catch their breaths.

Constance: Oh, my poor, abused legs! I have been remiss to neglect my lower...body exercise as of late...

Yuri: Don't give up-we're almost back to Abyss! What a damn mess we've gotten ourselves into...

Hapi: We should give up. Just throw the chalice at the big one and be done with it. It doesn't seem like they're gonna ease off. If that doesn't work, I guess we're dead.

Constance: Ahaha! I think not! I shall never surrender! I shall not die until I have achieved my glorious aim!

Balthus: For crying out loud... Those creepy toy things must love a good chase. They won't let up!

Yuri: Not to mention the enemies that look like phantoms. Further measures to protect the chalice, I'm sure. Maybe Hapi's right, and this won't stop so long as we have the artifact.

Ashe: We can't lead them back to Abyss, or the people there will be in danger!

Byleth: Let's fight them.

Yuri: Agreed. But first, let's run a bit farther. I know a good place to keep the enemy at bay.

Balthus: Oh yeah! The gates! They're so damn sturdy I nearly broke my priceless fist on one once.

Constance: You punched one? Like a brute?! Ugh! Why must you always behave in such an infantile manner?

Hapi: He probably thought that was the best way to test its sturdiness. He doesn't have bad intentions, he's just that dumb.

Yuri: Balthus. If you broke the mechanism, I'm sacrificing you to the creepy doll.

Following Yuri's orders, everyone ran forward, deeper into Abyss, hoping that they could all find a way to trap the coming golem that was continuing to chase them along the way. Luckily, it didn't take long for everyone to reach the room they had first arrived in when the students all initially met the Ashen Wolves.

Edelgard: The enemy's caught up to us. If we try to go up against it, we're finished.

Balthus: That thing's worse than what we saw at the chasm. Looks strong enough to flatten me. Me, of all people!

As the golem barged in to continue its pursuit of the students, the gates closed behind it, locking it in with the rest of the students. Unfortunately, this now meant there was no way to lure the beast away from the rest of the students if things ended up getting rough for them.

Dimitri: Argh, the gate! Even I won't be able to force it open.

Yuri: Heh heh. This is bad. There's more where that came from too. C'mon, let's go-now!

Constance: Oh my. I believe this to be a shortcut, but the way seems closed.

Hapi: Who wants to do us a favor and pull the lever? Though you might get left behind...

Cloud: Why are you guys looking at me, Claude!?

Letting out a light chuckle, everyone started running again, spreading out in an attempt to try and cover as much ground as they could. Several phantom soldiers soon attempted to charge the group, allowing several of the students to fend them off and make sure they didn't get the chance to make any sudden movements.

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