Fallen Wings Rewritten

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(unfinished, written 10 may 2023)

First chapter: Promise

Music/Playlist: https://youtu.be/yvuYqAzSX6M


During the day, it feels so normal to see light everywhere. The sky is shining, in this white blissful way that makes you forget that otherwise, there isn't any light during the night, we all have to try our best to light things up, and yet even at our best you can still see and sense the darkness to see its fallen night already. The only natural sense of light is the stars. There's the moon but it feels more like a layer covered by fog and smoke. But the stars are always there, even at day, they just fade into pure light during the night. They shine brighter then anything else.

She really reminds me of a star, she's always shining but its unnoticeable, but when there's something negative, she shines brighter in that darkness. Its not enough to cover up the darkness but she  gave it her best, she's the only thing I see in darkness.

It's such a dull, empty , pitch black void now. I can't see anything.

And she's gone. Well, she's not. She's still there, but its like its always day. I was always busy but I always had time for her. Her time was taken away by those crystal gems. Now all I do is work to cope. They've changed her, and I really hate it. Maybe I'm saying it the wrong way, I'll always love her, she's my daughter and I would never want anyone to get the wrong impression that I don't, I just feel like I'm always mourning her, even if she's alive.

I know she's going to do something with them, even if she promised, but I just don't know anymore.

Will it ever change.


White stopped overthinking and got up from her chair, she tried to process everything around her for the time being. She blinked a few times, she got caught up thinking she forgot what she was supposed to be doing.


She shook her head and sat back down, she had quite a lot of papers she needed to finish anyway. Well, she always did but that's not the point. She's supposed to be perfect, anyway.

At least she's trying to be.

What is something that's perfect even supposed to reflect?

It's something that is flawless and pure, but if everything is a flaw, is she flawless or everything?

Its such a shallow word, does it really mean anything?

She was forced to snap out of it again, Blue was calling her, she picked it up, its not like she calls her every 3 seconds.

Blue seemed slightly panicked as she moved the camera around until it showed her more clearly.

"Um, White sorry to interrupt your work, I know your very busy but I just wanted to ask;

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