~31~ The one with the floating bodies and revelations

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Hello my marshmallows

Here it is :)


I took a deep breath gazing at the blue stretch in front of me. It looked beautiful and as clear as the sky but it's beauty couldn't cover up for the danger.

It's okay. It's gonna be okay. It's not like there's piranhas or something in there.

"Get in! It's not going to bite you." Brianna said assuringly, beckoning me with one arm.

"It won't bite me. It'll just.. Swallow me whole." I said in mervous sarcasm, nervously dipping my foot into the pool.

Yes, pool.

Stacey had been pestering me for a summer swimming lesson for ages and I'd been brushing her off every single time. Until that fateful day when Brianna told us that she was enrolling for a summer lesson at the local club.

So here I was, wearing an uncomfortable swimmer's suit and came to my knees with my hair piled into an equally uncomfortable bathing cap.

Today was the first day of our lessons. We had our last uni examination, developmental psychology, yesterday.

"Enough with the sarcasm, woman. Now get in or.. or I'll have Alex push you in.." she warned glancing at him.

Yep, the very Alex who accused me of being un-straight.

He was an instructor here and taught little kids how to swim. Infact, he was the one who recommended this to Brianna in the first place.

"Oh please, he won't." I scoffed and then gulped "Right, Lex?"

"Absolutely! Because that's just mean." he said tutting at Brianna and then looking at me once again "But you gotta get in some time, right?"

He smiled at me warmly and treading through the water towards me. He held out his hand dripping with water at me "Come on."

I sighed "You're right. But just.. Just give me a minute."

He let out a short breath "Tell you what. Just grab my hand and it'll be okay."


"Trust me." he stressed "It won't hurt you one bit."

I looked at him reluctantly and gave him my right hand. Before I could know what was happening, I felt myself jerk forward, causing a small squeal to come out of my mouth.

I was suddenly engulfed in ice cold water that caused me to gasp.

Holy mother of jellybeans.

"Alex! You.. Y-you." I sputtered wiping my face "You said you won't push me in!" I held on to the side of the pool to regain my balance and possibly stand up.

"Well.. I never said I couldn't pull you in." he shrugged and I wanted to slap him right there and then "And look, you're very much alive, aren't you..?"

I spat out water "Barely."

"Well you're in the pool. So step one is complete."

I realized he was right. I didn't feel that bad. I didn't feel bad at all. Infact, I was enjoying myself quite a bit.

"So?" he pressed.

"It's not bad." I admitted "Pretty enjoyable. Especially when I get to do this." I said, splashing water in his direction. Guess I caught him off guard because he was soon a coughing, sputtering mess. I burst out laughing at him. He wiped his face and gave me a glare. Uh oh.

Never Been Kissed || Liam Payne (Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon