Chapter Eighty Four

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Thomas Bell watched from the crow's nest aboard the Green Eyed Lady as the dark figures disappeared into the shadows along the docks. Finally! The proof he needed had arrived.

Thomas waited a few moments, until he was sure the stealthy footpads were gone, before he climbed down from his perch. As his feet touched the deck, the Kathleen's first mate materialized at Thomas' side from the shadows.

"You saw them?" Thomas asked.

"Aye," The man replied. "They entered the cargo hold and then went below to the captain's cabin."

Thomas nodded to the man, as that is what he had seen also. "Well done, men!" Thomas exclaimed quietly, as more of the Kathleen's men seemed to materialize from the woodwork. "If you will have your men search the cargo hold for anything out of place," Thomas addressed the first mate once more, "I will check the captain's cabin."


Thomas made his way below deck to the captain's cabin. After entering and closing the door, he went to the middle of the room, turning in a slow circle looking for anything out of place.

The cabin was neat, it seemed everything had a place and was well organized, as a captain's cabin should be. The only thing he noted out of place was a corner of black velvet that was pinched in the lid of a trunk at the foot of the bunk.

He lifted the lid and saw the chalice immediately, it was lying half in the velvet, the stem protruding and shining in the lantern light. Thomas lifted it and read the inscription, which left no doubt, this was the item that had been planted to frame the crew. He wrapped it in the velvet square and made his way topside to join the other men.

The first mate held up a bag, "We found these stashed in with the cargo, they were definitely out of place with all the crates and barrels. They weren't hidden away very well, as if the intention was to find them easily."

"Then we have what we need men, let us go, and hurry. Those men have been locked up long enough." Thomas told them, as he put the chalice in the bag with the other treasures.

They made their way up the docks to the waterfront where a wagon waited in an alleyway to take them back to the Tower. The wagon held four men already, two of them were big, muscular men, who both wore huge grins on their faces. They sat backwards on the driver's seat guarding their 'cargo'. Their cargo were the other two men in the wagon, they were bound wrist to ankle, sitting on one side of the wagon bed, and both were dressed completely in black, with blackened faces.

Thomas approached the wagon and spoke to the prisoners. "Will you be talking now, men? Tell me what I need to know, and the King will be made aware of your cooperation. 'Twill make things easier for you if you do."

One of the men mumbled an unintelligible reply and Thomas moved in front of him, "Couldn't hear you, man. I cannot help you if you are not forthcoming with what I need to know. All I want is the name of the person who told you to do this. 'Tis simple, man, a name!" Thomas did not have time for this, the King wanted absolute proof and it was sitting right in front of him.

" 'Twas Miser, the Admiral, he gived us the task earlier today, we was to leave the goods and.......and not get caught." The man elbowed his mate, who bobbed his head up and down in agreement.

"Perfect, that was not difficult, now was it?" Thomas turned to speak to the driver, "Bring the prisoners along, I shall ride ahead and notify the King that the trap had been sprung and the rat has been caught." He then walked to the back of the wagon and secured the stolen goods in his saddlebag, he untied his horse, mounted and rode away from the docks.

Thomas arrived at the tower and went around to the gate that was used to welcome prisoners. He was admitted by the guard and rode into the small courtyard where he tied his reins to a ring set in the wall.

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