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Friendly Fire 

Chapter Fifteen: The Pyre of Truth 

"How do you lie without flinching?" 

-Vampire, Olivia Rodrigo 

Arlo wasn't sure how he ended up in a random empty room of the hospital

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Arlo wasn't sure how he ended up in a random empty room of the hospital. He had fallen asleep next to Stiles, holding his hand like usual. But he woke up slung over Stiles's shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"So is there a specific reason why you're lugging me around the hospital, pretty boy?" Arlo asked, turning his head to look at Stiles the best he could.

"You know I do love when you call him that."

Arlo stilled at the response.

"So what's your name then?" He asked, knowing that whoever he was talking to right now, it wasn't Stiles.

"I guess my official title is Void but you can call me whatever you want Arlo." Void smirked as he slid Arlo off of his shoulder.

"So I can call you Void and you won't be upset?" Arlo asked as he adjusted his clothes. Straightening them out from sleeping on Stiles's bed and being carried by Void.

"Well, I would rather you call me yours." Void responded, circling Arlo like a shark with a smirk deep set into his face.

Arlo's eyes followed Void around the room, feeling a bit thrown by Void's flirtatious tone. But if Void knew that Arlo has a crush on Stiles then flirting would be an easy in. Selling a fantasy is easy when you can steal the lips of somebody they love.

"This is my first time meeting you." Arlo addressed, fiddling with the bracelet on his wrist. "But it's not my first time seeing you is it?"

Void stopped his circling and leaned in close to Arlo, their noses so close to touching that Arlo's breath hitched. He knew that the person in front of him didn't have the parts of Stiles that Arlo gave his heart to. But buying a fantasy is easy when it falls from the lips of the one your heart already belongs to.

"Oh, that brain of yours Arlo." Void's words circled Arlo's head, pulling him into a web of a world that Arlo didn't think he wanted to see. "It's what made me know that I needed to see you. Needed you to see me. To know me. To know that I intend to fill all of your thoughts the same way you fill up mine."

Arlo blinked slowly, taking his time to process Void's words. They were a confession, but the intent was unclear. A confession of obsession is rather rare, as true obsession isn't as rational as we like to believe it is. Obsession makes one believe that anything they do to the object of their affection is rational. When it is nothing of the sort.

"Is that a confession of some kind?" Arlo inquired, determined to discover Void's intent behind his words.

"Maybe it is, darling. Maybe it is." Void taunted, his head tilting away from Arlo as they came forward from the shadows.

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