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Friendly Fire

Chapter One: Flash Point

"Where's my naivety?" 

- Naivety, A Day to Remember 

At first, the only thing that was preventing Arlo from hearing Scott clearly was the rain

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At first, the only thing that was preventing Arlo from hearing Scott clearly was the rain. Something that served as a comfort to Arlo, drowning out the pacing of his mother. It was as if she believed that if she kept walking, she would eventually find his father again. She would find him the way that he was before he left. Before he ripped a hole in the side of their house and a piece out of their hearts.

Once the rain calmed, the sound of her pacing grew louder, but so did Scott's voice. The sound of the rain was then usurped by Scott's sobs. Arlo had to close his eyes to look for his focus. Soon Scott's words rattled around his head and finally settled in Arlo's ears where they belonged.

"I tried Arlo, but it didn't work."

"What did you try, Scooter?"

"It didn't work, Arlo. I'm so glad it didn't. I need you to know that I love you, and I wish that I could see you more,"

Scott's sobs became contagious once Arlo realized what Scott hadn't been able to do.

"Scott, is there someone with you?"

"Stiles is here, and so are Allison and Lydia, but they're asleep."

"Can you put him on the phone, please?"

Scott reached out a trembling hand to Stiles, his phone exchanging hands. Stiles's eyebrows knitted in confusion which only deepened when Scott told him who was waiting on the other line.


"Were you with him?"


"Were you with Scott when he tried to kill himself, Stiles?

Stiles let out a sigh of realization. Scott had always spoken of Arlo's intellect in high regard. The kind of intellect that could move mountains and sink kingdoms. Stiles's brain possessing the same power, a double-edged sword was wielded by both of them.

"Yeah, I was there, Arlo."

"Thank you, Stiles."

"Always, Arlo."

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆

Days passed before Scott called Arlo again, the feeling was just as somber as before. The air was tense with concern, Arlo worried out of his mind over Scott's well-being. Every breath that Arlo took made him wonder if Scott had taken his last. If the thoughts that had won that night would ever win again. He wondered if the air tasted the same. If it felt the same as his lungs expanded, fueled purely on love and compassion.

It was as if the demons in Scott's head had taken up residence in Arlo's head instead. The fear that stabbed him through the heart every time Arlo called and was met with a beep at the end of hopeless ringing. A beep that demanded somebody to say something. For someone to say anything, to leave a message to be dissected. A comment waiting to be misunderstood just to spark a conversation that could save a relationship.

Arlo had thought that clarity was in death, but his conversation with Scott had been autopsied countless times, and Arlo couldn't find any clarity in the words spoken. Perhaps the understanding was to be found in the words left unspoken. Or perhaps both Arlo and Scott were people who had been made to understand but not to be understood. Making them each other's vices and each other's virtues at the same time.

Arlo was desperate to make sure that he wouldn't have to live with the memory of Scott longer than Scott himself. He was so desperate that his hands shook when he sat and begged his mother to let him go with his father to a town that was littered with murder. His mother, Jinha, had refused. Arlo's begging shot her in the chest, another reminder that if Rafe ever came back, it wouldn't be for her. It would never be for her.

Her soul had been collecting dust for the better part of a decade. Her thoughts ran from the truth because all they could handle was the past. The present held a reality too harsh for her to hold on to without cutting her hands. But Arlo's hands bled as he held on to the present, his will to live pooled at his feet. The bottom of his shoes were sticky with it. He reached out his hands and pulled his mother to stand by his side. Together they looked over to the open window. The sun shines in on their faces, and the birds sing. They were eight and twenty-seven. Nothing had hurt them.

Then it was loud, it was so loud that Arlo could barely focus. People were rushing around him as the world blurred. The only thing that brought the world into focus was the sight of two men. The first was a man with an extremely flawed past. A man who had left two families behind, two sons and a wife and a half. The second was the man that Arlo was going to fall in love with. The kind of love that makes you so stupid that you wonder if you've ever done anything right in your life. But then you look to your side, and you see them there like they have always been. You know that even if you've done everything else wrong, at least you got them right.

Arlo had always gotten Stiles right. Stiles had always gotten Arlo right. Both had been trying to go home their whole lives. Soon they'll realize that they had just been waiting for home to come to them.

 Soon they'll realize that they had just been waiting for home to come to them

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Author's note! 

It's here! Welcome, Arlo. I'm so happy to write you and your story. I hope everyone loves you as much as I do. 

Have the best day possible :)

-Strawberryfairy00 <3

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