My girl ~ Steph Catley

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Words: 750+
Warnings: nothing rlly, little swearing


Steph was called to a meeting room within camp as the rest of us sat around the general room doing whatever. You were sat on beanbags in a circle with Caitlin, Mckenzie and Alannah as you switched between making tik toks and talking about whatever.

The sound of the door opening rather harshly forced your attention away from the girls and towards the door, where a tense a nervous looking Steph stood, eyes searching the room for something.

'Baby? you okay?' You asked as she finally made eye contact with you. A calmer, relieved feeling visibly washed over her at seeing you and she immediately walked towards you and sat herself in your lap.

'Yeah. I'm okay' she whispers to you.

In response you rub her back and lean up to kiss her head.

'You sure? you looked pretty scared before' you pushed.

'I'll tell you about it at home, not now please' she whispered again.

'Okay darling' you whispered back.

After some more sitting around and talking with your team, Tony said everyone was free to head home or whatever so you and Steph hugged everyone goodbye and made your way home.

As soon as we walked in the door, Steph pulled you into a tight hug and laid her head in your neck.

'Seriously baby, what's going on?' you asked worriedly.

'I'm captain. Sam can't play because of her injury. I'm really nervous, I don't know if i'll be a good captain. What if i let everyone down?' she nearly cries.

'Oh darling, don't ever doubt yourself. You've proved over and over just how amazing you are on and off the pitch. You've done this before, you can do it again love. I'm so proud of you, you're captain!' you hugged her tighter and jumped up and down.

Steph just giggled at you, your words having soothed most of her worries and finally allowing her to be excited.

'I'm captainnnn' she said and jumps around in circles.

You laugh at her and pull her into your arms and fall back onto the couch.

'I'm so proud of you darling'

'Thanks puddin', I love you' she mumbled into your chest.


It's the first group game of the Women's World Cup for the Matildas. The score was 0-0 until Hayley had been taken out in the box. Penalty. This is their chance. You watched from the bench as Steph stepped up to take the shot. You prayed in your head that she had luck on her side. You knew she had the skill but any amount of things can go wrong in a football game.

You hear the whistle blow, see Steph run up to the ball. You watch almost in slow motion as the ball flies through to air and into the back of the net.

As soon as you register it's gone in, you're up and celebrating with the rest of the squad. You quickly turn around to the crowd and scream 'That's my girl!' before turning back to your teammates. Next thing you know Steph is running at you full force. You hold your arms out for her and lift her up in the air as soon as you made contact.

'You did it baby! You fucking scored!' you yelled out overjoyed

Steph throw her head back and laughs at you as you put her down. Ignoring the rest of your team around you, you pull her into a quick kiss and tell her how proud you are of her.

'You're amazing Steph Catley. I'm so so proud of you love'

Steph, on the verge of tears from your words, pulls you into her again and whispers

'Thank you baby, having you here has helped me so much. I love you puddin' she says

'I'm always going to be there to support you, you're my girl. I love you so much Steph.' you say as you hug her tighter.

You let her go and celebrate with the team and watch from a distance with a smile on your face.


They won, and Steph's goal is the reason they won. As soon as the game and celebrations were over and you were back in the change rooms, you pulled Steph onto your lap and whispered

'I knew you could do it. You did amazing baby. See? No reason to be nervous, you smashed it love' before pulling her into a kiss.

'We smashed it, I couldn't have done it without you darling. Thank you for being my number one fan, my girl' Steph said while holding your face in her hands.

'Always and forever, love' you smiled at her.


an: ty for the request  xx

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