𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞

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Welcome back readers. I'm sure you remember me, right? Well in case you don't.. allow me to introduce myself. I'm Finney, Finney Blake. Now I bet you're thinking I'm a regular normal person in a dank little town, but you're wrong.

This town is nowhere near normal, for example.. there are no humans in this town, just mythical creatures like werewolves, vampires, mer-people, centaurs, angels, and demons. Crazy right? There are different territories that separate each species, with suitable living conditions needed for each to survive. Each species has their own leader, their age doesn't matter, hell they could even be a baby but only if they're born with the special mark designed for each species.

Are you curious about what the marks look like? I'll tell you.


The mer-people?
A trident on their left cheek, they currently have a leader who happens to be only 15 years old.


The Angels?
A glowing halo on their neck. They currently have no leader.


The Demons?
Glowing horns and a devil tail behind their right ear, they do in fact have a leader who is 20 years old.


The Centaurs?
A horseshoe on their right wrist, they currently have no leader like the Angels.


The Vampires?
Vampire fangs on their right cheek.
We do in fact have a leader, how do I know this? Well.. I happen to be a vampire. You'll find out who our leader is soon.


And last but not least.. The Werewolves.
A paw print on their right hand. They have a leader who's only a year older than me, I'm 17, their leader is 18.


Now I know all this information was unnecessary, seeing as you'll only be reading about the vampires and werewolves, but I wanted to tell you more about our monster-filled town.

Now enough about that, let's get into the story. Starting at my house..

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“Gwen!” I shouted for my younger sister who was upstairs in her room, we were going to be late for school if she didn't hurry her ass up. “One second Finney!” I heard from upstairs, I rolled my eyes and plopped down on the couch.

A few minutes later she finally came downstairs, a trickle of blood ran down to her chin. “What the hell were you doing up there?” I questioned, gesturing to the blood on her face which she quickly wiped off.

“I got hungry!” She shrugged, heading for the door. “Oh! Don't forget to cover your mark!” She turned to me with her hand on the front door handle. I groaned and rushed upstairs, quickly putting foundation on my right cheek. Why? I'm the leader of vampires. I don't need to cover my mark because the vampires know who I am, but I do it anyway to keep myself hidden from the other species in this town.

Being a vampire has some perks, for example we're fast as hell, and we can turn into a bat whenever we want. But there are some cons about it, we can't be in the sun for too long or we turn to ash and disappear, and we can't go near certain foods.

Apologies, I'm getting off topic. After I put my foundation on I go back downstairs, my sister was impatiently tapping her foot against the ground. “Finally!” She grumbled, I rolled my eyes and laughed.

“I didn't even take that long drama queen. Let's just go!” I said, she grabbed my wrist and literally dragged me out the door.. jeez.

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Finally, we made it to the school. Gwen and I met up with our friends inside by our lockers. They spotted us and waved us over.

“Hey! Finney, Gwen, over here!” Griffin, the little demon spawn. He happened to be a vampire like me and my sister. He's been one of my best friends since we were in diapers. Another one of my best friends, Donna, smiled and gave me a side hug.

“Hey Finn, Gwen.” She gave us a friendly smile. “Hey Donna!” my sister and I said in unison on accident, which caused the four of us to burst out laughing.

We were an odd little group, but I loved them nonetheless, I found it funny that all of us were vampires though. We talked about random topics until the bell rang, signaling that it was time for our first class. I said my goodbyes to Griffin and Gwen, then made my way to science class with Donna.

I've always loved science, and space. I could talk about the two subjects for hours.

“Good morning everyone!” The teacher said, he was a centaur, if the horse body and legs weren't enough evidence. We all responded with 'good morning' in unison, which made the teacher laugh.

I was jotting down important notes for the upcoming test when someone tapped my shoulder, I looked up and to my right. I recognized the person immediately, Bruce Yamada. He was a straight A student and the star baseball player, I played against him a few times.

I studied him for a moment, a werewolf. Yellow eyes and fangs. “Hey! I'm Bruce.” he said with a friendly smile, it showed off his fangs. “Uh.. Finney.” I stated with a small smile, I was confused.. why was he talking to me of all people? Whatever, not like I care anyway.

“Nice to meet you Finney, I was wondering if you wanted to be friends? I've seen you around and you look like a cool person to be friends with.” Bruce said, I looked down at my desk and thought for a moment, what if he just wanted to get close to me to hurt me? Or worse?! Okay.. woah, you're just overthinking now Finney.

“Uh, yeah.. sure. A new friend sounds nice.” I smiled, he extended his hand and I took it, shaking it firmly.

I had a feeling this was going to go well, he seemed like a nice person.

A/N: First chapter done ! I'm way too excited to write this , so far Bruce , Gwen , Donna , and Griffin have been introduced , the other boys will be introduced soon ! Hope y'all liked this chapter <3

𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 || The Black PhoneWhere stories live. Discover now