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This book is dedicated to my bsf Fazeena!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FAZEENA!!! I'm not gonna say much but there's a whole essay that I texted to you, enjoy reading this book I putted little references that are related to us in real life so I hope you enjoy reading! Comment on everything and enjoy your day 🎉
Asiyas POV

I sigh.. loudly. When I decided to become a doctor I should've known how stressful school would be. But then again there's nothing else I would want to be and I know this work will pay off in the future. I close my computer, I check the time 4:21 am. Perfect I spent all night doing a PowerPoint presentation and now I'm gonna be drowsy all day, then again what's new. Well I'm awake so I'll go freshen up and get ready to go to the mosque before my brother drops me off to uni.

I'm finally dressed time, 5:16.

"Asiya get your self in the car or you can catch your own ride to school

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"Asiya get your self in the car or you can catch your own ride to school." My brother yells out, this is how you know he doesn't have a wife, and you would think he would get that a woman needs her time to get ready. I went outside, I'm not saying my family's like high class, cause we're not we grew up humbled my brother and I are just honor students who reach for top jobs.

"New car?" My brother, Ahmed is 25 and he's a surgeon I honestly have no idea where he gets all this money for like a new car every 5 months but it's his life and I'm not complaining since I don't have a car he lets me use his.

This bmw is nice though, "I know you like it." He says,

"I prefer a Mercedes but it's ok." I smile getting in the car.

The way there was fast and we made it 10 minutes before prayer time, I stayed in the car for a bit scrolling through Instagram. Suddenly a notification comes on my phone "Yusuf2000 liked your post"

Oh Allah.

I must've made a face cause my brother took a glimpse to my phone and gave me a disapproving look. "It's nothing." I laughed it off, he sighed "I hope he's not here..." my brother said, I let out a laugh "you know he moved to Guyana." I said,

"Yeah Genius he came back yesterday and I'm sure he'd love to come to his hometown mosque." My brother said, I was so ready to text a paragraph to my friend group and panic but I had to keep a calm face.

The questions running through my head, questions I want to ask. But I have to remain subtle I don't want my brother to think I care. He's just my brother's childhood friend, who my brother hates cause... I have no idea why he hates him.

After that he just left. Why is he here? And why is he just waltzing back into town like it's a casual sunny Friday.

And why would I care, he was such a pain in the-

The Adhan starts, my friends are in the mosque waiting for me, Faiza, Layla, and Zara . Laylas a niqabi who's from Trinidad, Faiza is a hijabi from Guyana, Zara is also a hijabi from Bangladesh

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