Minuit (3)

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"Run. Keep Running. Don't stop. Never stop."

Those were the words filling my head since my body started moving on his own.

"He was probably just preparing for tomorrow, he didn't see me."
"I was in the dark, there's no way he knew it was me."

Such rational thoughts didn't even cross my mind. I suppose this is some kind of survival instinct. I had no idea what exactly Kashou saw, nor if he actually recognized me, but I felt like this was going to become troubling. If he overheard my conversation with Char, I'm the one that's gonna be in trouble.

I kept running and running, hell, I don't even know where I am right now, but all I know is that I'm in a deeper shit than I could even imagine.

- "What the-"

As I turned in a corner, I barely manage to duck on the side on time to not get hit by a car that was about to hit me.

- "LEARN TO DRIVE YOU FUCKING ASS!" I shouted at the driver as the dark purple-ish sports car stops in its tracks.

"Great, I bet that's a drunk fuck that's gonna want to beat me up."


"Oh shit. That's even worse"  I thought. "It's Char."

He opened his car and rushed towards me. I thought he was going to help me get up, but I was met with a punch to the face, sending me back on the floor.

- "Stupid ass. You call me out here, cut contact, and next thing I know, you're here, on the verge of tears and you look like you saw a ghost."

Replying to his punch by another punch to his guts, I get up by myself, put my hands to my face and realize that I was indeed on the verge of tears. There's no way something as trivial as that affects me this much.. right?

- "I swear, always making me worry." He muttered under his breath. "Anyways, done with games, now. Care to explain the situation?" Charlie put on a more serious expression after my punch, as if, instead of my punch hurting him, it switched his mood. It was one of his weird quirks, but I was used to it after knowing him for some time already.

- "Seems obvious enough, doesn't it? Beat up some guys, they're on the floor-"

I start to explain Charlie the situation with the three men but he interrupts me.

- "Man, I don't give a shit about what kind of stuff those guys did. I'm talking about why you're crying right now." He was right, I could feel the warm liquid leaving my eyes, to roll on my cheeks.

- "Shit, you're right. I'm like a baby right now." I let out a nervous chuckle as I speak. "Let me just calm down for a bit, then I'll tell you everything."


The pair of friends were inside Charlie's car, parked wherever they could. Around five minutes had passed since he found his friend on the verge of tears after he suddenly lost contact with him.

- "You good now?" Charlie broke the heavy silence.

- "Yeah, I think. Thanks, Char."

- "No problem, friend."

- "Who are you and what did you do with Char?" I suddenly asked.

- "What the hell are you talking about?" He had a genuinely confused expression on his face.

- "You would never do this without an ulterior motive."

- "What wouldn't I do? Man, you're confusing as hell, you sure you didn't hit your head?"

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