[OUTDATED] Extra - Why can't I just forget ?

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A day, less than 2 years ago, deep in the amazon rainforest.

A  younger Minuit is trying to move without being noticed, trying to hide in the greenery surrounding him. He was hurt, he already received a few bullets, but none of his wounds are too bad. As he was moving, he barely dodged a bullet, thanks to his cat reflexes. As he looked around, he saw the man who shot it. Minuit sneakily approached him from behind, got out his knife, and stabbed the man in the throat, but as he stabbed the man, he heard the trigger of a pistol nearby, the man had an ally in the bushes nearby. Quickly spotting where it came from, he tried to dodge it with his cat reflexes, but instead only managed to receive the shot in his left shoulder. With all his previous wounds still open, he started loosing more blood than his body can handle, he dropped to his knees, struggling to stay conscious.

"Come on.. I can.. do it.. I just need.. to go back to the base.."

As the man's ally tried to shoot him once again, this time wanting to hit his head, someone pushed Minuit out of the way at the last minute. He difficultly rose his head trying to see who saved him, but all he could see is what will soon be a dead body, as his own ally got shot with a bullet straight in the head at the same time his own bullet hit the enemy in what seems to be the arm. Minuit struggles to try and get up, to keep fighting, but he just can't, his body is too heavy. As he starts losing consciousness, he thinks to himself :

"Is... Is that really it ? The end of my life ? Dying here, in some nowhere place where no one will find me, no one remembering me ? Is this my fate..?" He stops his train of thoughts as he loses his consciousness.


Minuit POV

August 25th, 02:18

I wake up with a terrified scream before looking around me, wondering where I am.

"Oh, right.. Kashou dropped us earlier.."

I close my eyes, and think about what I just saw.

"This shit again.. Why can't I just forget about it ?"

I heard footsteps in the hallway leading to the spare room where I slept for the last three hours or so, then I hear a few voices before they go silent, and just hear footsteps from one person. I did not bother counting how many persons there was nor what they were talking about, as I was tired and still shaking and breathing heavily from what I just remembered.

Having barely enough time to wake up a bit more, I hear the sliding door to this room, and see Azuki standing in front of my now open door, trying to show as much of an angry face she could, trying to hide her worry.

- "HEY ! Stop screaming, will ya ? We're all trying to sleep !" She then noticed the state I was in and said, still trying to hide her worry "At least, are you alright ?". I answered her, slowly starting to stop shaking,

- "Sorry Azuki..." She flinched when I called her by her full name, instead of the nickname I gave her, 'Azu'.  "I.. I just had a bad dream.. Nothing important.. Sorry to have waken you all up for just that." As I got back into my futon, much more comfortable than a bed for the week or so that I'll be here, Azuki then started slowly closing the sliding door, hesitantly saying

- "Of course..." She obviously didn't really buy it, but did not try to know what really happened. "Whatever, good night, Minuit."

I was surprised that her of all people was speaking to me this politely, even more considering how she reacted to me coming back in the family..

"Whatever." I told myself. "It's too late to think about that, I'll think about it maybe tomorrow.."

- "Good night, Azuki."

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