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Once I wake up when se gets up and walks away quietly, but I'm too tired to get up and just fall asleep again.


The next time I wake up is when the human in armour comes around again too feed us. The routine is the same, even when I try to escape.

Over the course of the day, I talk with Morar, since we don't really have anything else to do.

Then I notice someone is watching me. I turn my head and see Filly. She's standing there again. I tilt my head and watch her. She comes closer and stretches out her hand. I sniff her, Morar following. She smells like the delicious meat she brought yesterday, but her hand is empty. My toungue is long though and I lick her hand through the metal thing on my head and she giggles.

She pets my nose again, before sneaking off. I lay back down, now facing the wall. I sleep for the rest of the night but wake up early due to humans outside cheering. I notice a human is poking his hands inside my cage and attaching another chain to the metal thing on my head. I shoot up, but the chain is already linked. I snarl at the human but he just lets the chain fall. I see it's not attached to anything, and that confuses me. Morar has a chain too.

Suddenly, the red thing over the cage is pulled off, revealing a large crowd of people. A man is standing on the stage, talking to the crowd.

"We caught two kelpies!" he says, pointing to us. I dip my head, ears back, and we growl at them. Suddenly, the cage is opens. I stand there, suprised, while Morar shoots out, turning right and trying to get off the stage, but the chain holds him back, so he falls. He gets up and shakes his head. I slowly walk out, joining him. I know he's scared, we both are. The man walks up to us, and we growl at him. He sneers at us and takes the chains that were attached subsequently in his hand.

He starts talking to the crowd again, but we're not listening. I look towards the cage and see that our chains aren't attached to the spinning thing, but held by two humans. If we pulled hard enough, maybe we could escape. I tell Morar about this, and we decide to pretend we're stupid until the right moment shows itself.

But it stays only a plan.

The man suddenly says "And now we introduce them to the wolves."

We know what wolves are. Killing machines, when they're hungry. Usually they're nice, but the wilves they're talking about have definetly been starved, so they won't hesitate in killing us for food. We know we don't stand a chance against a whole pack, because we're only an earth old. (ok suns are days, moons are months, and earhs are years)

He turns to face us. "You hear that? You'll see some of your kind-monsters."

At this point, we have had enough. This man cages us, when we did nothing wrong, he puts a metal thing on our heads so we can barely talk, scolds his daughter for befriending us, and then calls us monsters. That is too much and we pounce at the same time, the man falling on his back in surprise and fear, but the chains are pulling us back into the cage. We fight, standing on our rear legs, growling at the man.

Once we're back inside the cage, it closes, but we're still growling and crashing into the door. The man stands up, facing us. He pulls out a crossbow, aiming it at us.

"You humiliated me," he growls under his breath, so the crowd doesn't hear him, but we can, since our hearing is so much better.

Suddenly, we hear a "No!" and Filly runs in front of us. I stop growling and nudge her. I don't want her to get into trouble because of us. She doesn't move. Someone comes and grabs her arm, starting to pull her away. My anger comes out again and I crach into the door again, this time breaking it. Morar shoots out too, and the chains holding us back snap. I dip my head, running under Filly's stomach so she ends up on my back. The human who was dragging her away has let go in shock and I jump off the stage, Morar following. We can hear the humans following us and I make my fur and mane stick to Filly so she doesnt fall off of my back.

We run through the town, Morar following me since I memorised the route leading to the front door. When we get there, it's locked. We stop abruptly. That's when Filly says "I can open the door."

I relese her and she runs to one of the deserted towers(everyone was gathered at the stage to watch us) and we hear a clicking sound as the door opens slowly. When it's fully open, it starts closinga again. Filly runs out of the tower and jumps on my back. This time, she can hold on. We run through the door amd into the nearby woods. We can hear the muffled screams of the humans who got stuck behind the door.

When we get to a clearing, I stop and so dies Morar. Filly jumps off my back and walks to my head. She somehow takes off the metal thing and drops it on the floor. I open my mouth as wide as I can while she frees Morar, who does the same. I rub my head agains her and she chuckes.

Suddenly I sense something. Then I quickly turn around to see a wolf pouncing on me. He stops right in front of me, while I rear and slam my hooves into the grond right in front of his nose. He yelps, taking a few steps back, tail tucked between his legs. A girl emerges from the shadows. Her fiery red hair is bushy, long and tangled, but it looks pretty with all the leaves inside it. Her face is dirty and she growls at us like a wolf. But then she speaks to the wolves.

"Looks like we have dinner for tonight, Furry. Good job smelling them out. But where's the girl you mentioned?"

The wolf barks something in response and the the girl tries to walk around me, but I move with her.

"Tough one, eh?" she asks. "Respectful, but let me see her!"

I huff rebelliously.

"I just want to introduce myself! I'm Mebh. Are ya happy?" I don't move, inspecting her. I huff again.

"Hey, town girl! Come out!" she shouts, and suprisingly enough, Filly comes out.

"Was it that hard?" Mebh asks no one in particular, but I still huff at her.

"Nobody asked you anything," she says to me, earning yet another huff.

"You like to huff, huh?" I huff again. I do like it, since you can't do it underwater.

"So, who are you?" Mebh asks Filly.

"Fillipa," she says.

"Well, Fillipa, do you hate wolves?" Mebh, asks, a stern tone in her voice suddenly.

"No. I was taught to hate them, but I think they're beautiful."

"Well, in that case, you can join us. This forest doesn't tolerate people who don't like wolves."

And with that, we follow her. I don't exactly understand what's happening, but something tells me we're not getting eaten.

Ok two chapters in one day! YAY I DID IT A WHOLE CHAPTER IN ONE DAY! Ok I'm leaving now.


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