Ok I edited this, Morar is in the cage too.


"Ness, today is a special day. We're going to the surface."


I stare at her, my mouth wide open. "We- we're going to the... the surface?!" I stutter, suprised and excited that I'm finally going to the surface. Somehow I manage to finish my fish, mind racing and imagination running at full speed, trying to imagine the rest of the world.

After breakfast, I swim as fast as I can to Morar's nest but bump into him halfway there. When we see that we bumped into the one we were looking for, we start talking at the same time until we say "...and I'm going to the surface!"

We stare at each other in suprise. "Wait... you're going to the surface too?" I ask him.

"Yeah... you too?" he asks in suprise.

Then both of our faces light up and we start speculating if it's a coincidence or our moms talking about it and deciding to do it on the same day, since they're good friends.

We decide to ask our moms about it and about when we're going. When we come back we bump into each other again but this time, I go first.

"My mom says they talked about it and that we're going after lunch."

"Mine too," he says.

"Secret nest?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Secret nest!" he says and we swim off.

Until lunch we try to imagine what the world will look like based on my memories of poking my head out when I was around 7 moons old.

When our moms call for lunch we almost teleport home and I eat my fish in record time. Then we meet Morar and his mom and swim to the surface together.

When we get close, our moms look out to see if the coast is clear.

After they see there is no one around, we climb out.

Morar and I look around in awe, taking in the world. We're speechless. It's beautiful up here.

"Ness, Morar," my mom calls. We look at her. "You need to learn how to shapeshift if you want to hunt humans. Just focus on the form you want to take. Shapeshifting feels like the sun is shining on your whole body from the inside." We must look horrified, because she laughs and continues. "Don't worry, it's not uncomfortable at all. It actually feels really good."

We try to shapeshift into a horse. The closer it is to the size of a kelpie, the easier to shapeshift. I concentrate really hard and feel the feeling(a/n sorry im bad at descriptions), but very faintly. My mom says I'm doing really good for the first time.

I look at Morar, who is standing next to me and burst into laughter. He looks like he's trying to pull a 1000 pounds.

"What are you laughing at?" he scowls and fake snaps at me. I snap back and we laugh.

"Enough games. Try again," Morar's mom says.

We try again and the third time, I feel my body changing slightly. When I open my eyes and look at my hooves, I see that I'm now a black and white horse.

"Great job, Ness!" my mom exclaims. "A beautiful form! And where are your bubbles?"

"Bubbles?" I ask, confused. No one said anything about bubbles.

"Somwhere on your body there are a couple if bubble shaped spots indicating that you're a Kelpie," she explains.

My mom walks around me and notices the bubbles on my left back leg, above my knee. (do horses have knees there? Idk)

Morar, seeing my succes, tries even harder. This time, he does it too. He's a black stallion. His bubbles are on his stomach, right behind his front legs.

We shapeshift a couple more times to practice and plan a celebration. We head back towards the lake.

But then, they come.

The humans come out of nowhere, riding horses and throwing lassos at us. They miss, but try again. There's 5 of them and they seem determined to catch us.

My vision is blurred by fear and my instincts kick in. There's only one thought on my mind: RUN.

We gallop towards the lake, shapeshifting back into kelpies. I can see the water, I can smell it, but then, when I'm just a couple of meters away from it, a lasso falls around my neck and pulls me back. I see Morar got caught too.

I rear, and another lasso is thrown around my front legs, the human who threw it pulling it towards him and backing his horse up. I see Morar is already down and fighting two humans who are trying to tie his legs.

I hit the ground with a thud and I can hear our moms screaming after us. I know they wants to help me but they can't, that would get them caught too. They stay in the water.

Another lasso is thrown around my back legs and pulled in the direction it was thrown from.

I can hear the humans celebrating and our moms screaming before Morar's mom seemingly drags mine underwater to protect her. I mentally thank her for that.

The humans start pressing my legs towards the ground. I start kicking even more than before but to no effect-in 5 minutes my legs are tied.

Now they move on to my head. One holds down my nose and another next to my ears. Then they force something on my head. It goes behind my ears, over my nose, under my head and along my cheeks. They tie the thing on the ground and leave me like that, squirming to break free, but to no effect.

Four of them stand guard over us and the fifth one gallops off.

"What's voing to happen to us?" Morar asks me, voice trembling with fear.

"I don't know," I admit.

The human comes back after what seems like mere seconds but was probably at least ten minutes. He's got his horse walking and after him, a wagon with a big cage is coming, drawn by another two very strong looking stallions.

The humans untie my back legs and reposition the ropes on my front ones so I can barely walk with tiny steps. They do the same with Morar and let us get up. Immediately we try to jump away but they drag us towards the wagon with thw rope they tied to the thing on our heads. They force us inside the cage and as soon as our tails are in, they shut the door and lock it. They tie the thing around our head to the bars in front of us, while we start jumping around, hitting the cage with our sides.

The wagon rocks under our hits, so they untie us and pull our heads towards the bars in front of us. One squeezes his top half through the bars close to my front legs and throws a rope around them, pulling it towards himself, causing me to lose my balance and fall. A look to my left tells me the same happened to Morar. Once we're down they somehow tie our legs through the bars again.

Now that we can't stand, they tie the thing on our heads to the bars in front of me again. We still try to break free, squirming and turning our heads, pulling on the ropes that have somehow still not broken. As the wagon starts moving, I look back towards the lake and whine, knowing I will probably never see it again. My home, my mom. She must be devastated. Now I understand why they never let us foals above the surface; they knew we would be easy prey for humans, since we would be amazed by the world and would not pay attention to our surroundings.

As the wagon rattles away from my home, I put my head on the floor, admitting defeat. I'm tired from all the fighting and excitement about coming to the surface. The rattling and shaking of the wagon makes me drowsy. Before I know it, I'm asleep.

Ok so this is a wierd but kinda nice chapter... Yeah I don't know what to say but here you go... A chapter!

Welp bye for now I guess...


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