To Paramore

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To Paramore
By Lexi Jared (@absentkilljoy)

Even after 8 years I'm still into you

I know I should be over all the butterflies every time I hear your music

Because this heart beats, beats for only you

When we are just misguided ghosts, you are there to guide us along

When things go wrong and we have no hope, you are the only exception

You help us write the future, when we dwell on the past

And daydream when our lives get dull

You gave us a Self-Titled life, when we couldn't find ourselves

It's quite a miracle you came into our lives

And you give us brand new eyes to a beautiful world

And now we are looking up because you told us things get better

When all we knew was falling you picked up brick by boring brick and fixed us

Ain't if fun knowing you are the reason many of us want to wake up even when we are on our last hope

And I may be alone in this world but I'm alone with you

And I'll never let this go, and we are moving on to a new era in your career with open arms. Sing us a song, and we will sing it back to you.

(A/N: Paramore is my favorite band. They have been a huge part of my life for 8 years now and I wouldn't have it any other way. I am so proud of them and how far they have come. They have definitely changed me for the better and I can't thank them enough. Whether or not they read this I hope they keep going and doing everything they are doing because they are so amazing.)

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