in Zone 0

5 0 0

Zacharie sigh when he's going to sugar he's a bit nervios that he go on mizuka house zacharie said to he's self ''zach stop thinking mizuka you already have surce" now zach go to sugar house

Sugar: ''hello my love you're back!"

Zacharie:''yea may I sit for a minute?''

Sugar:''yes my love everytime ''*sugar smile*

1 miute later...

Zacharie: ''I have to go now sugar..''

Sugar: ''where ?''

Zacharie: '' to sell my ware's''

Sugar:''okay my love''

Zacharie go find the jugde and the Batter. he notice there's a new player

The jugde:''welcome new player your in the zone 0..''
???:''hi I have a mision with the batter we need to pure all zone in this game..''

The jugde:''yes ofcoures right this way"

Zacharie X MizukaWhere stories live. Discover now