❥﹒第 4 章

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"Frankly, I think it's too much for you," their teacher commented, and the pair obediently trailed behind him as they strolled through the school. Both of them fussed with their uniforms, making sure they were presentable. "But Taehyun-sama asked for you specifically."

A shared glance passed between the two, and Riki delved into his thoughts, vividly recollecting the details of the mission and the sacrifices it entailed. He felt the urge to voice his reservations and halt their progress, but inexplicably, his lips remained sealed, preventing him from spoiling their mission.

The realization sent Riki's mind into a frenzied whirl, the cruel truth dawning upon him that this fate remained unchangeable.

The knowledge tore at his heart, each beat echoing with a poignant ache.

"Your mission has two goals," Jay continued, breaking the heavy silence. "The Star Plasma Vessel is the one compatible with Taehyun-sama. You are to escort that boy and erase him."

The blonde blinked and pushed his glasses up once more, his mouth moving involuntarily as disbelief colored his tone. "Escort a brat and erase him?" His words dripped with incredulity, though his mind grappled with a disorienting sense of déjà vu.

"That's correct," their teacher affirmed.

Riki, feigning shock, covered his mouth with a hand and whispered, "Have you gone senile?" Haru emerged behind him, laughing at the exchange.

"It is spring," she quipped with a chuckle, playfully shoving Riki forward as they entered an empty classroom. "He's probably preoccupied with being the next principal. Jokes aside, though—"

"I'll be the one to decide if I let that pass as a joke!" Jay exclaimed, but the pair seemed to have tuned him out, enveloped in their own world as they took their seats.

"Is this about renewing Taehyun-sama's technique?" Haru mused, her body sinking heavily into the unforgiving chair. She glanced at Niki, who, despite having been through this conversation before, remained perplexed.

"What's that?" he inquired, referencing Haru's earlier words as Haru scoffed at the dumb boy.

Jay shook his head in disapproval once more. "Taehyun-sama possesses the cursed technique of Immortality, but it's not Eternal Youth," he began, launching into an explanation.

"It wouldn't be an issue if all he did was age," Jay continued, his brows furrowing in concern. "But after his body ages to a certain point, the cursed technique begins rewriting his body through evolution. He'll cease to be human and transform into a higher form of existence."

"And what's wrong with that?" Riki chimed in with a monotone response, speaking his mind without hesitation. "It sounds cool."

Haru, well-versed in the subject, took it upon herself to educate the blonde. "According to Taehyun-sama, those who reach that state of being lose their will. It means Taehyun-sama would cease to be Taehyun-sama."

"All the jujutsu schools, the foundations of jujutsu society, the numerous barrier techniques of assistant supervisors – they're all bolstered by Taehyun-sama," Haru continued.

"Without his power, we would struggle to maintain security or handle mission aftermath. In the worst-case scenarios, Taehyun-sama could become a threat to humanity."

Haru sighed, her shoulders sagging under the weight of the explanation. "That's why, every 500 years, he seeks out the Plasma Star Vessel, someone compatible with him, and assimilates them, rewriting their body's information. By renewing his own body, he resets his cursed technique to its initial state and avoids evolution."

Riki nodded as if he understood, though his uncertainty lingered, a sentiment carried over from 2033. "So, it would be fine if he turned into Banette, but we can't have him becoming MegaBanette. So we have him start over from Shuppet."

Haru regarded the boy with disbelief, unable to fathom how he had managed to weave Pokémon analogies into this serious conversation. "What? Yeah, sure, that works."

Their teacher sighed, struggling to address Riki's apparent lack of seriousness. "The Star Plasma Vessel's location has been leaked. Right now, there are two major groups pursuing the young boy's life."

"One is the Curse User Group K, which aims to destabilize jujutsu society through Taehyun-sama's rampage." Jay turned his computer screen toward them, displaying an image of the group to help the pair identify them.

"The other is the Star Religious Group, also known as the 'Time Vessel Association,' which worships Sama as a god." A symbol representing the group appeared on the screen, and both Riki and Haru nodded in recognition.

"Taehyun-sama will assimilate the Star Plasma Vessel two days from now. Your mission is to protect the boy until then and ensure that he reaches Taehyun-sama. If you fail, the consequences will extend far beyond the realm of sorcery into normal society. Don't forget that."

Riki and Haru exchanged glances, the girl sporting a confident smile, fully prepared for whatever lay ahead. Meanwhile, the boy forced a semblance of readiness onto his face, his memories of the events shrouded in a fog that hindered his ability to recall them accurately.

However, Riki understood that whatever transpired during this mission would mark the beginning of a pivotal journey.

As they received their assignment, an ominous sense of foreboding lingered in the air, casting a shadow over his determined expression as he looked at the excited girl.

Little did she know that the events about to unfold would propel them into a world of peril, secrets, and revelations, forever altering the course of their lives.

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