❥﹒第 2 章

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Things were busy that summer. The frequent disasters of the past year probably played a role, but cursed spirits were springing up like maggots.

Exorcise and absorb. Over and over.



No one else understands what a cursed spirit tastes like.

It's like swallowing a dirty rag that's been used to clean up shit and vomit.

Exorcise. Absorb.

"What I witnessed isn't uncommon. I understood the ugliness of the masses, and still chose to be a jujutsu sorcerer who saves others."

That's what I've been telling myself ever since that day. Ever since that day.

- 𝙂𝙚𝙩𝙤 𝙎𝙪𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙪
(portayed in this story as Yang Haru)

𝙔𝙀𝘼𝙍 2021

"I'm here to save you, Jaeyun."

Nishimura Riki ventured to the edge of the massive crater, a testament to the destructive force that Jake had unleashed mere moments ago.

A wry smile tugged at the corners of Riki's lips, his glasses, designed to contain his formidable powers, glinting in the brilliant sunlight that bathed the scene.

He cast a casual nod in the direction of Jake, who lay sprawled amidst the wreckage, his posture concealing a hint of amusement. A mischievous smirk danced upon Riki's face as he taunted the poor boy for sheer amusement, "Are you crying?"

Jake, clearly vexed by Riki's provocation, erupted in a fit of frustration. "I'm not crying! And be more polite to your elders!"

A faint, playful smile graced Riki's features as he found himself transported back in time, indulging in the familiar exchange of teasing with Jake, his fellow classmate. 

Despite the passage of years, their bickering remained an enduring constant, the pair still the same despite the 12 years of change.

"If I was crying, would you console me?" a voice suddenly interjected, accompanied by the sudden appearance of another figure on the opposite side of the enormous crater. 

Heeseung, with an enigmatic grin on his face, peered down at the others, his bangs cascading over his eyes as he tilted his head. "I'd certainly appreciate that."

"Nah, you wouldn't cry, Heeseung. You're strong," Niki chuckled, repeating the very words he had uttered in the past. 

Beside him, he observed Jake who suddenly erupted in frustration, the older boy springing to his feet with a look of impending retribution aimed squarely at the bespectacled boy.

"Niki! You listen here! I don't need your hel-" Jake's protest was abruptly silenced as the ground trembled, a colossal, grotesque worm erupting from the earth's depths. 

With trepidation, Jake slowly turned, biting his lip to stifle any screams that threatened to escape his lips as he confronted the hideous curse.

However, another, more reassuring presence emerged from beneath, swallowing the first curse whole. 

All three boys turned their gaze toward this new entity, their tension easing as they recognized the familiar green and white dragon. "Don't swallow it. I'll absorb later."

Niki blinked slowly, his heart skipping a beat as his gaze locked onto a familiar face. Her hair was elegantly styled in a half-up, half-down fashion, curtain bangs framing her countenance as she bestowed upon him a teasing smile. 

"Nishimura, it's not nice to pick on the weak."

He was sent back in time, his personal mission to prevent her from altering the course of events, but deep down, he knew that this moment wasn't where everything had gone awry.

Rather than immediately launching into an assault or whatever it took to avert the future catastrophe he was privy to, Riki opted to savor this precious opportunity to spend time with her once more.

"What kind of idiot picks on the strong?" he chuckled, attempting to play it cool as Yang Haru slowly approached them.

Heeseung couldn't help but giggle beside the blonde. "You're the one fanning the flames like it comes naturally, Haru."

Haru, choosing to ignore the remark, instead found herself laughing quietly, a sight that made Riki's heart pang.

"Jake! Are you okay?" a voice interjected, popping up right beside Niki. A silver-haired boy flashed a warm smile at the fuming Jake, whose enthusiasm started radiating like a puppy's unbridled excitement. "I was worried about you. We hadn't heard from you for two whole days."

"Sunghoon!" Jake exclaimed, rushing up the remnants of what once was a towering building to embrace his friend. "Sunghoon! Don't let yourself turn out like those two!"

The said boy chuckled, puffing out a plume of smoke from his lips. "I won't turn into trash like them."

The so-called 'trash', Yang Haru and Nishimura Riki, exchanged knowing grins, the girl stepping forward to join the gathering.

Jake, a perplexed expression on his face, had finally absorbed the conversation and looked between the two troublemakers, then back to Heeseung and Sunghoon.

"Two days?" he asked, a mix of confusion and curiosity coloring his words.

Riki suddenly recollected the purpose of their mission on this very day, remembering its significance and repeating the very same words he had said those years ago. 

"Ah, was the cursed spirit's barrier one of those that messes with time?" he pondered, glancing at Jake's partner Heeseung who was nodding. "They're rare, but they do happen now and then."

Haru finally arrives at the top of the crate with the others, Heeseung flashing a reassuring smile at the girl. "Well, we defeated it, but the most important thing is the veil. What about the veil, you three?"

The girl backs down, slowly making her way down again, gaze locked onto Niki. Sunghoon's cigarette dropped from his mouth as he too fixated on Niki.

The blonde boy blinked the memory of their primary task that day flooding back, and he began to dread the scolding he had to endure once again, that they were sure to receive upon their return to Jujutsu High. 

Such a sumptious existence, even as the mightiest.

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