Butter Fingers

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~Third Person~

Kristen groaned with her forehead against her locker, unprepared for school after another sleepless night haunted by dreams. She sluggishly lifted her head and opened her locker, catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror that hung on the inside of the door. She grimaced at her reflection as she began combing through her hair with her fingers, ultimately giving up and tying her hair into a low ponytail. She then readjusted her blouse and her skirt to how Kaitlyn had shown her the first day, knowing that if she didn't fix it now, Kaitlyn would later.

Just the thought of Kaitlyn made her stomach churn thanks to their almost kiss yesterday. As soon as practice was let out, Kristen had practically bolted to her car, convinced that if she spent another second with her she would either combust, make a fool of herself, or both.

Kristen shook her head from the memory as she closed her locker and began walking to English. However, she didn't make it far before running into a brick wall of a person, effectively sending her books flying. Turns out she was capable of making a fool of herself with or without Kaitlyn present.

"Sorry, I'm out of it this morning." she quickly apologized as if the crash was due to her sleep deprivation and not because she was looking at her feet as she walked.

A low chuckle resonated through her ears, "Don't worry about it." a familiar voice reassured as a ring clad hand holding her books entered her field of view.

Finally, looking up from her feet, her eyes met a loose tie that hung around a slender neck; her eyes followed the tie up to a sharp jawline, a split lower lip, a once pierced nose, until her eyes met deep grey ones that were already focused on her.

After staring for a few moments, Kristen grabbed the books from her hands. "Thanks." she said timidly as the raven haired girl kept her gaze locked. She hadn't remembered Alex being this tall the first time they spoke, but their proximity made it feel more dramaticized.

Feeling the awkward tension, Alex ran her hand through her pitch black hair. "No problem. Your locker down here?"

Slightly mesmerized by her silky hair slowly flowing back into place, Kristen mumbled "Uh... yeah, right down there." She gestured behind her.

A lopsided smirk grew on Alex's face, "Sick, mine too." she said before stopping a locker a few away from Kristen's. Her locker was simple, practically empty even. Most girls had pictures of their friends on the walls or a mirror on the door, but Alex's locker consisted of 3 textbooks, an empty shelf, and a folded up piece of paper that had been shoved through the slits of her locker.

Kristen watched her grab the folded up note and shove it in her pocket with a roll of her eyes before grabbing her math book from the top shelf. Kristen's eyes widened momentarily at the sight of the Calculus BC textbook before it was shoved in her torn up Jansport with her notebook and singular pencil. Damn, I guess she's more than just looks.

"Anyway, what class are you heading to?" Alex broke the silence, slamming her locker door.

"History." Kristen said almost too quickly, anticipating this question.

"Damn, we're on opposite ends then. Catch you later?"

Kristen nodded, "Yeah."

A small smile grew on Alex's face before turning to leave.

Just as Kristen went to turn around to mentally scold herself for being so awkward, Alex stopped her.

"Wait, one more thing." she said quickly, "Congrats on making Varsity." she said with a friendly smirk.

Kristen felt her ears heat up. She opened her mouth to ask how she knew, but Alex was already walking in the opposite direction.

Alex remained on Kristen's mind for the rest of the day. For the most part she was knit-picking at how dumb she sounded or how awkwardly she was standing; but every once and a while, her mind would drift to the subtle veins that outlined Alex's hands, or how her shirt was unbuttoned just enough for her collarbones to peek through.

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