New Girl

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~Third Person~

After a long restless night filled with relentless anxiety, Kristen woke up hating the world. She had already snoozed her alarm three times in protest of the concept dubbed morning.

"Kristen, you need to get up." Her mother sighed as she pulled the blaring alarm out of reach from the cranky blonde.

Kristen groaned loudly before putting her pillow over her head, "It should be illegal to force growing children to wake up before 10 am." she preached.

"Hon, you stopped growing in 5th grade." Ms. Adams sighed.

Kristen sat up from her lying position, "I blame the coffee." she mumbled with sleep laced between her words.

Ms. Adams chuckled, "Well, if you don't get up now, you're gonna be late."

"You know, that doesn't sound too bad." Kristen confessed, making Ms. Adams sigh before pulling the blanket off of her daughter, exposing her body to the wrath of her ceiling fan. "Nooooooo..." Kristen whined as she curled into a ball.

"Downstairs in 5 minutes." she warned before leaving the room, blanket in hand.

The blonde groaned as she rolled off her sheeted mattress onto the cold wood floor. Her night was continuously disrupted by thoughts of the Olivia look-alike along with her general first day of school anxiety that she had been carrying with her for the whole summer. The original plan was to move into the new house a month before school started, but there were complications with getting the house on time as well as other adult things that went over her head.

"It should be illegal to have school start in August." Kristen mumbled to herself as she took her sleep shirt off and put on a sports bra, too lazy to try with a real one. "They're stealing a whole goddamn week of summer." she complained before putting on her white uniform blouse and pulling her blue plaid skirt up to her waist. The uniform also called for knee high socks, but when she saw herself in the mirror, she vetoed them immediately. After replacing them with her Vans ankle socks, she went to the bathroom and quickly brushed the knots out of her hair and put on a small amount of makeup to hide her seemingly permanent eyebags. Gotta at least try a little bit... she mumbled to herself as she put on a light coat of concealer. She then hurried down the stairs, ensuring anyone in the house could hear her arrival due to her loud footsteps.

"Aww, you look cute in a uniform." Her mom teased as she poured Kristen's coffee into a thermos.

"I feel like a nun." Kristen mumbled as she adjusted her skirt uncomfortably.

"A cute nun." she teased as she handed her daughter the thermos. "Now go, you were supposed to leave 10 minutes ago."

Kristen rolled her eyes as her mom pushed her out the door, "Love you too mom."


After a short, yet painfully long ride, she arrived at the school.

"Hey sorry I'm late, c—can I have my schedule?" Kristen stumbled as if she hadn't been practicing that phrase for the entire drive there.

"No problem at all, sweetie." the middle aged lady behind the front desk responded. "And what's your name?"

"Kristen Adams." She stated. At least I didn't fuck that one up she thought to herself as the receptionist rifled through some papers.

"Aha, here it is." she mumbled before handing over the schedule. "Also, Kaitlyn over there will be showing you around to your classes for the first few days. Say hi, Kaitlyn." She gestured to a girl sitting behind Kristen.

Kristen turned around to see a dark chocolate haired girl in a matching uniform already looking at her from the other side of the room.

"Kaitlyn Zhao." She greeted, putting out a hand. Kristen shook the hand, but her mind wandered as her eyes scanned over the girl. Her hair was dark chocolate with matching dark brown eyes. Her jawline was sharp enough to cut steel, but her lips were plump and full. And, on top of it all, she somehow was able to pull off this nun outfit of a uniform. Kristen eventually caught herself and returned her eyes where they should be, but judging by Kaitlyn's amused look, she was caught red handed.

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