Don't you dare !!! 😡

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It was a normal day when both Payu and Rain wakes up...

Payu : Baby...

Rain : Yes phi...

Payu : Today evening after your classes shall we go to check on wedding suits...

Rain : Really !!!

Payu : Yes why don't you want to come ???

Rain : I would love to come phi...

Payu : Yes my baby...
What now...???

Rain : Am still too young na...
Are you okay marrying such a young guy...???

Payu : oh my cutie pie...
Am so happy and out of this world....

Am marrying such a cute and young boy...!!!

And tell me one thing are you okay marrying a elder guy like me and also a guy who is involved in mafia...

Rain : Am really happiest phi...
Your so matured... you know what to do and what not to do...

And you being a mafia is the only thing scares me always that something will happen to you...

Payu : Don't worry baby after getting married I will reduce everything little by little and will have a peaceful life okay...

Rain : Okay phi...
I love you...

Payu : I love you too my little heart...

They both gets ready and Payu drops Rain at Uni and goes to office...

Whole day Rain and Payu both were so exciting thinking about the marriage shopping

Rain was looking at his watch every 5mins and finally the day was over...

It was evening by 5pm Rain class gets over and he texts Payu that he will be waiting out of the gate and Payu replies him that he will be there in 20 mins

Rain was happily waiting for Payu out of the gate when a black huge car comes in front of Rain and 4 men wearing masks on their faces gets down and kidnaps Rain...

Rain tries to scream but they covers his mouth and ties his hand and also covers his face..

Payu reaches near Uni and tries calling Rain but the phone was not picked by him...

He calls Rain continuously for 10 times still no response..

Payu gets panicked and calls Joe and informs him as well..

After about half an hour Payu gets a call from David...

David : Hello my dear Payu...
I know your looking for your sweet wife...
Don't worry he is so safe with me ha ha ha 😈

Payu gets panicked for a second and his blood starts boiling

Payu : You bloody fucker...
Where the hell did you take my Rain...???

David : Shhh shhh don't you dare shout at me my boy...

Payu : David am warning you if you do something to my him....
Even a little scratch on my Rain's body then think your dead in my hands...

David : Oh so you still have the audacity to shout at me...

First pick up the video call let me show your wife....

Payu immediately picks the video call...

Other side...

David wanted to taunt Payu...

He holds Rain's cheeks roughly by his hands and makes him to see towards the phone....

Rain : Phi.. Phi... 😭😭😭

Payu : Baby please don't cry...
I will be there in sometime... nothing will happen to you...

I swear... I will come there in sometime...

David disconnects the video call and again calls Payu

David : Did you see your wife my dear ???

Payu : David I swear your death is in my hands...

David : First you protect your wife ha ha ha

Payu : Tell me where the hell should I come...

David : Yes I will share you the location but you know right you should come alone without any gun in your hand...???

Payu : Yes I will come as you want
Don't you dare touch my Rain....!!!

David sends the location and quickly Payu starts his car to the location...

David to Rain...

David : So you are the pretty cute boy Payu is obsessed with...
Nice Payu is having such a good taste...

David tries to touch Rain's cheeks...

Rain turns his face...

Rain : Wait until my Payu come here...
Am sure no one will be alive here...

He will come and kill each and everyone...

Bloody fucker you don't know about my Payu...

It was a old building...

When Payu enters inside the building he saw Rain tied up on the chair

Payu was about to run towards Rain when David comes in between and his people comes and ties up Payu on the chair opposite to Rain...

David : The moment I have been waiting for my entire life...

You know what...
I wanted to kill you many times Payu but I wanted a situation like this..

So tell me

Shall I kill you first in front of your wife....

And he points the gun to Payu...

No.... No....No...

I will kill your cute wife in front of you so that you will suffer rest of your life....

And he points the gun to Rain now.....

End of the chapter.....🤗🤗🤗

Hope you all liked it....
Love you all 😘😘😘

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