Black Velvet Petunia

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Elain was the babysitter of today. Rhys and Feyre were to the camps because there was a fight that had to be broken. Cassian and Nesta were upstairs making a lot of noises that weren't meant for baby Nix his ears. So Elain was the caregiver for today. She loves taking care of her nephew. She was feeding him with the bottle that Feyre left. After he was done she was holding him above her head and walked around. Nix giggled while he tried to move his wings. Until she stopped. She sensed that someone was watching her. Azriel came out of nowhere and gave her an apologetic smile. Elain smiled back while holding Nix back against her breast. "You know, Az, you can just come and play with us. You don't have to spy on us." She smirked while he chuckled. "Az" Elain and Az snapped their head to Nix. "Az... Aaaaaaazzzzzz... zzzzzzzz" Nix was throwing his hands up to his godfather while saying Az' name. "Did he just talk?" Elain said surprised. "He did." Az took Nix over and let him play with his shadows.

After lunch Az and Elain took Nix to the garden where they played in the flower fields. All of a sudden Nix was sneezing. "Bless you, my little Onyx Odyssey Helleborus" Elain said. She started calling Nyx after a plant because Nyx reminded her about it. He sat in the earth, the ground where Elain was planning the start a garden. But everytime little Nyx sneezed, flowers began to grow around him. Az and Elain were staring at the flowers and at Nyx. The flowers were Black Velvet Petunias. It's like he forced the night sky into a flower. It was like he captured the starry night into the pedals of the flowers. "Amazing" they hadn't noticed that Feyre and Rhys came back and they had seen what their son had done.
Soon all the gardens from the Night Court had that flower. It became the sigil of Court of Dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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