What do i do

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"Your what?" I'm her queen?! Oh no this isnt gonna end well.

"Yes you are the queen of the darkness. The darkness that haunts you. HAHAHAHA. Lead your army to kill all you know!" My head begins to spin. I become dizzy and collapse on the floor.

Darkness it overcomes me. I feel it tearing slowly at my heart. Rip, rip, rip. oh no! I feel the rush of blood dripping down my body and into my face. Wait..... Am i upside-down? I am!

A pang of pain goes through my body. My heart is it....... Gone?!?! I begin to swing in a circle. The little girl begins to flash in my head. Then a boy with short brown hair. His cloths full of blood. Dripping down his face. He looks like his head was busted open. He was slightly transparent like the others. Many, many more souls appear. All hurt and bloody. All gruesome and some ugly. What should i do?! I begin to untie myself out of the straight jacket i am in. Wiggle, wiggle. Its loosening!! Click, click.

BANG! I am released and i smash into the floor head first. Blood drips down my face. My heads pounding. The rooms spinning. I'm trying to focus on the shapes approaching me.

"Come join us, come, come!!" They cry with great sadness. I try to stand but collapse on the ground.

"Never! I will never join you!" I stand once more a little girl grabs my arm.

"Come to me my queen. Please we need your help. Get us out. Please i beg of you!" The girls voice was high pitch, squeaky like a mouse. She held on tightly with tears dripping down her face. I pause in silence looking at all of them. She continues, "we are all victims of her. She had lured us in and then trapped us like mice. We were tortured to death. We all have our storys. And like when we were murdered we are trapped in this mansion. Its paths change and we can never excape. All we can do is save others. It's to late for you. There is only one way to save us all. To set us free. Your the only one who can help your the special queen. Please."

"What can i do to help?!" My voice eery and high pitched. Am i this special?! I must help them it's the least i could to. I must do this if i'm going to live.

"Kill the Girl in Black."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2013 ⏰

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