Better angles

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Daryl looked around the field, keeping his distance from the three people in front of him as they search the fence for any gaps or weak sections, Now that Dale was dead all of them worried about how the walker had even gotten onto the farm in the first place.

Daryl carried on following them for a while down the fence before he made his way down to the edge of the forest, ready to kill any walker that might currently be too close to them for his licking. Fear that if another walker made it through his son could be the next one to die at the forefront of his mind as he kept his eyes out for anything that seemed out of place.


"Gonna be tight." Rick commented. "14 people in one house." Everyone standing around the truck, the small group that had gone out looking for walkers having just come back.

"Don't worry about that." Hershel assured them. "With the swamp hardening the creek drying up....."

"With 5o head of cattle on the property." Maggie interrupted her father as Glenn placed something in the back of the truck, the box loudly hitting the floor. "We might as well be ringing a damn dinner bell."

"She's right. We should have moved you in a while ago." Hershel told them all feeling a little bad at how he had originally acted around the other group now that they had lost yet another member of their group on his property.

"All right, let's move the vehicles, near each of the door, facing out towards the road." Rick told everyone pointing out towards where he meant.

"And just leave it there?" Lori asked.

"We'll build a lookout in the windmill another in the barn loft. That should give us sightlines both sides of the property." Rick pointed out to Daryl and Shane before he said, "T-Dog, you take the perimeter around the house, keep track of everyone coming and going."

"What about standing guard?" T-dog asked all of them a little worried about what was in the barn.

"Well in need you and Daryl on double duty." Rick looked between the man in front of him and his husband by the truck, having tried to talk the other man out of taking double duty on the barn, but not having had much luck.

"Gotcha." T-Dog nodded before he walked off to do as he was instructed.

"I'll stock the basement with food and water." Hershel told them as he walked back round box's in hand. "Enough that we all survive there a few days if need be."

"What about patrols?" Andrea asked walking up to Shane and Rick, everyone else doing things around them.

"Let's get this area locked down first." Rick suggested. "After that, Shane will assign shifts, while me and Daryl take Randall offsite and cut him loose." Rick looked over at Shane a little worriedly not having talked to the other man about the decision that had been made yet.

"We're back to that now?" Shane asked in disbelief as Rick started to walk away from him.

"It was the right plan the first time around." Rick told him stopping to turn back round to face Shane. "Poor execution."

"That's a slight understatement." Shane shock his head Rick walked closer to him again.

"You don't agree, okay, but this is what's happening." Rick told him trying to make sure that Shane knew there was no changing his mind about his decision. "Swallow it, move on."

"You know that Dale's death and the prisoner. That's two separate things, right?" Shane asked him pushing away from where he had been leaning against the truck. "You want to take Daryl as your wingman, be my guest."

We need better timing ! RickylWhere stories live. Discover now