18 miles out

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"You sure this is a good idea?" Daryl asked his husband as Rick got ready to leave with Shane.

"Only choice we got." Rick pointed out as he placed a hand on Daryl's shoulders. "It will be fine."

"I don't trust Shane." Daryl shock his head worried that the other man would do something irrational to get what he wanted.

"I'm not gonna let him do anything." Rick promised knowing that his husband was just worried. "We will drop the kid off and come back, nothing is going to happen."

"He tries anything and I will kill him." Daryl promised looking more threatening than Rick had ever seen him.

"I know." Rick nodded with a small laugh as he closed the small gap between them to place a soft kiss on Daryl's lips, the small amount of awkwardness that had been lingering since he found he was back to them slipping away for just a split second before they said goodbye and Rick made his way out of the tent and over to the car.


"I thought we were going further." Shane said as Rick pulled the car over to the side of the road, slowly stopping it.

"We are." Rick nodded turning the car off and moving around a little to look over at his brother-in-law. "18 Miles out."

"So why are we stopping?" Shane asked confused knowing that they were nowhere near 18 miles away from the farm.

"I wanted to talk." Rick sighed knowing that he had to have this conversation with his best friend but also really nervous about having to say this to the person he no longer recognised. "Been waiting a week till we were gonna do this. I just wanna talk."

"We don't need to." Shane shock his head wanting to have this conversation even less then Rick did.

"We do."

"No man, we don't. We're doing this. I get it. He was passed out when y'all brought him here, doesn't know where the farm is." Shane didn't like the idea of just leaving the kid somewhere but the only person on his side on this was Andrea and that wasn't enough to convince the rest of the group.

Rick shock his head before he got out of the car Shane quickly following him to stand by the edge of the road. "That isn't what I need to talk to you about. I heard what really happened at the school." Rick shock his head again with a small sigh. "Was it to survive?" Rick didn't like what Shane did at all, Otis may have shot his son but the man seemed like he was nice and that the last thing he deserved was to be killed, but knowing that if Shane did it for survival would help him just a little.

"Yeah." Shane nodded. "One of us wasn't gonna make it out. If had to be him. One shot to the lag, Carl lives. Reality is he had no business being here... there. Whatever."

"You don't think I would've done it?" Rick asked knowing that Shane had been doubting his ability to protect his kids.

"No, man I know you wouldn't have."

"You don't think I can keep Carl safe?" Rick asked with a shack of his head. "You don't think I can keep my son and husband safe?"

"I didn't say that." Shane shock his head not wanting to put too much of a bridge between them. "Rick you can't just be the good guy and expect to live. Okay? Not anymore."

"I'm not the good guy anymore." Rick insisted thinking back to what he had done in the bar to get back to his family. "To save Carl's life, I wouldn't done anything. Anything. Now Daryl, he doesn't trust you, he thinks you're dangerous. He's worried what your gonna do to get your way and if I'm being honest I am a little too. You don't want to listen to anything any one has to say. Daryl, Carl. They are my family, my husband and my son. I will stay alive to keep them alive."

We need better timing ! RickylWhere stories live. Discover now