second introduction

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Hong Industries

Seokmin was sure he had heard of them before, but he wasn't sure where from. As him and Jisung walked side by side towards the conference room he continued to rack through his brain for answers.

Seokmin stopped for a brief second causing Jisung to turn around.

"Do you know Hong industries?" Seokmin asked, gazing up to Jisung.

"Of course, they're one of the biggest company in the world," Replied Jisung, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I heard that the CEO was a cold man but that's why the company is so successful."

Seokmin nodded, glad to have at least a little background what was about to come.

As he continued to think about the matter, he may have heard about the company somewhere. But he had never cared about who had the most money in the world or which companies were successful. He really should start paying attention to these things.

"What do they do? Or make?" Seokmin wondered and Jisung chuckles amused at how oblivious Seokmin was. Everyone knew Hong industries. Well, it seemed like everyone, but Seokmin didn't.

"They own a chain of fancy hotels all acorss the world. Do you really not know Hong industries? They're very popular with media," Jisung gave Seokmin a incredulous look, "I'm sure at some point you've stayed at their hotel"

Seokmin nodded, as he looked through his iPad. "I mean I guess, I guess I just don't really pay attention to famous names or media" As soon as he said that, they reach the conference room. Jisung pushed the big doors open for Seokmin. He was met with some of his colleagues whom greeted him with smiles.

Soonyoung was talking to a man in black suit, his hands stuffed in his pockets. The man had his back turned to him while he continued to engage with Soonyoung.

"Seokmin, you're here" called out Soonyoung.

At the mention of his name, Seokmin started making his way towards Soonyoung and the man. Jisung had gone to take a seat at the conference table. It was then the man had decided to turn around and immediately Seokmin's eyes widened.

He could recongnize those eyes anywhere.

The other seemed to surprised for a second but before masking his face expressionless.

"Seokmin this is Hong Jisoo, the CEO of Hong industries," said Soonyoung introducing him to Jisoo. "This is Lee Seokmin, our youngest department head. He's also incharge of this project."

"Nice to meet you Seokmin," Jisoo said, giving him a small barely noticeable smile. He held out his hand for him to shake.

"It's nice to meet you too, Mr. Hong" Seokmin was still in daze, but quickly returned the handshake.

"This is our COO, Yoon Jeonghan" Seokmin gave Jeonghan a friendly smile and shook his hand.

"Likewise Mr. Lee,"

Soonyoung clapped his hand, affectively getting everyone's attention. "Alright let's start this meeting then,"

Seokmin continued to stare at Jisoo before quickly snapping out of it. Seokmin made his way to Soonyoung's right side seating down having Jisung next to him. Both Soonyoung and Jisoo sat at the head of the table next to each other.

And thus, the meeting began.

The meeting ran for an hour.

The main objective of this meeting was to remodel one of their old hotel in Gimbo, next to the beach. Although fancy looking, the hotel kind of seemed outdated. Jisoo had mentioned that it was constructed during the time his father was the CEO. He thought that if their older hotels looked more modern, it will bring in more customers.

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