physical attraction, chemical reaction

501 27 8

Jisoo was having hard time.

And Seokmin was giving him hard time.

The older was having hard time just by watching the male on his bed in his own purple robe. And the younger was giving him hard time by being all fussy to kiss him. Jisoo tried his best to keep Seokmin in position, if he came few inches forward- that's it, Seokmin's smooched lips would meet Jisoo's.

Seokmin changed and freshen up a few minutes--- no wrong thoughts, he did it himself. But since when he came out of the bath this is the scenery. Seokmin wanting a kiss and Jisoo preventing him from getting one.

Not like Jisoo doesn't want to kiss him. He can perfectly admit how awfully attracted he feels towards Seokmin. But the fact that it's only been few hours since they met and these all are of part of Seokmin's alcohol frenzy, Jisoo is controlling himself or else by the influence of his hormones he would've crossed his boundaries a lot ago.

"Kiss me" Seokmin whined, grabbing onto Jisoo's shirt now more roughly as the latter almost lost his balance.

"Seokmin calm down. I-"

The younger glared at him. Jisoo then again was surprised as Seokmin pulled him closer again their both lips almost met and unlike earlier, the younger become more eager and he was really certain about what he was saying and he really wanted that to happen.. and though Jisoo wanted the same thing as he was also a man and every move Seokmin does to him in this situation turned him on so much.

Yes, he admits he wantes to fuck Seokmin eventhough if they don't know each other... but not this way, not when he can obviously see Seokmin wasn't sober. Not in any way it's right if he took advantage of Seokmin's drunken state. He isn't that of a bad guy.

Eventhough he doesn't want to, Jisoo tried pushing Seokmin away, sure with much care and gentleness. But Seokmin groaned not liking it in anyway.

"Why? Don't you want it?"

He sounded so sad and Jisoo's heart surprisingly twitched as he saw Seokmin upset just by that. He don't know why but the next second he found himself grabbing Seokmin close to him. His cheeks pressed against the younger's head as he held Seokmin by his waist, tightly.

Right now he could become the bad guy. Jisoo could take this as a chance to use Seokmin for his hormones and kiss his lips not caring the younger's breath would smell alcohol while their lips dance to their favourite song and their tounges meet for the first time.

He could. He desires to. But he won't.

No matter how much horny he was, even if it's for his comfort or just for one night, he can't be such a bad person. He can't put his needs over the drunkdrunken man in his arms.

But his gentleman image can end in few seconds if Seokmin would continue kissing his sensitive neck. Jisoo closed his eyes groaning in pleasure as Seokmin continues to kiss leaving small pecks all over his neck. The tension growing as he felt Seokmin's hands getting inside his t-shirt and Jisoo found himself losing it.

"Seokmin" Jisoo tried not to melt when his tanned abs were touched by Seokmin's fingers.

Jisoo detaches the younger from himself. Staring straight at Seokmin's despair eyes he realizes, he can't anymore.

Hugging his waist Jisoo crashes Seokmin against his body. Their lips collide, both melting into their first kiss. It's between a hungry and a lovely kiss, the elder's hand stay on the other's ass as their tounges fight for dominance. Seokmin moans against the elder's lips as he is hugging him by the neck to deepen the kiss.

Jisoo's hands travels from his ass to waist then back and forth roaming Seokmin's whole back in between. His tongue pressed hard against the latter's, tasting every inch of Seokmin's mouth.

Fuck, Jisoo. Stop the fuck up!

Oh boy, he wants to. But not when Seokmin is pressing his crotch against Jisoo's already hard ones. Absolutely not when he is having no control of himself.

Jisoo pushes Seokmin gently down to the bed, lips still attached, the process being easy as the younger was already on the bed. Now Jisoo was on top of him, hands traveling up to Seokmin's back of the neck as he sucked on his collarbone.

Jisoo continued attacking Seokmin's neck and not letting go of the younger's left thigh. Seokmin could only muffle the sounds as he gripped hard on Jisoo's shoulders. This is the best thing about Jisoo's apartment, he weren't gonna be walked in or get interrupted. They could be as loud as possible and didn't have to ask anyone to leave the unit so he could have intimacy.

Jisoo licked Seokmin's neck before biting on it and connecting their clothed members again, "Ahng~~" the younger moaned beautifully.

Jisoo hummed as his hands move to the back and on it's way to get inside Seokmin's underwear.

"Ah, please~"

Jisoo stopped.

The sight he had was too much. Seokmin's cheeks were burning, his eyes slightly closed due to the friction of their clothed members, hands made fist on Jisoo's hard chest and a few hairs on his already sweaty forehead. And the reality hit him as hard as a rock.

He pushed away from Seokmin in all panic. Resulting a whine from the younger at the lose of contact. He looked down at him, all mess on his own bed, if Jisoo continue staring down at him like that a bit more Jisoo sure wouldn't be able to get a hold of himself.

So he ran, ran out of the room and closed the door behind him before falling all his weight on it as he released that one damn breath he had been holding in for too long.


Jisoo slapped a hand across his forehead, the realization settling in. He was now the most absurd bastard all around the world who took advantage of a tipsy person. Of a person who couldn't even stand up his own, of a person who can't speak without slurring his words. He have been such a jerk.

Jisoo groans lowly, feeling his member throbbing inside his underwear. It's killing him to be giving Seokmin his all kind of attention and completely ignoring the pain, twitches and awkwardness he's feeling down south, Jisoo hurries his way to the guestroom bathroom.

It's something emergency.

difference of love and like ; seoksooWhere stories live. Discover now