Worms don't have blood

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You stand on my brothers.
You jump on my sisters.
You do not feel bad because worms don't bleed.
You do not have to wipe your shoes,
Clean them of our blood.
Because worms don't bleed.

You poke us and prod us.
You do not touch us,
Why do you hate us?
You do not have to rid your hands of our lives.
Please let me go.
I'm scared.

Did you do this for fun?
Do you enjoy torturing me so?
You have ripped my body in half.
In creating another life you have made me feel death.
It's pungent embrace scares me but what can I do?
I am merely a worm,
Ripped in two.

No one will understand because I do not have a voice.
No one will listen because they do not want to hear. 
I do not bleed,
You step on me because I do not die,
But I am in pain,
I am in so much pain.

This life is not what I want,
To be half of what is me,
To have my life exiled for your enjoyment,
You are sick and twisted and i hate this.
I hate this so much I want to cry.
But worms do not cry.

A child runs over to me.
You left me alone.
You left me... changed.
I try to crawl away but i do not have the strength.
The child picks me up, gently, oh so gently.
They say something in a calm whisper,
It makes me feel warm.

I do not speak the human tongue,
But I believe this child cares,
Or perhaps I have just grown delirious,
They run somewhere with me still in their little hand,
They bend down and gently place me in the soil.
The soil wraps me in its earthly embrace,
I feel less pain,

I no longer fear death.
It came back for me,
It wraps its arms around my aching body,
And it holds my hand whilst my life too slips far away.
I have 2 last thought..
I have died because I am a worm.
But maybe not all people are bad.

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